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RE: Chess problem 73 / Schachaufgabe 73

in #chess6 years ago
  1. Nxe6 dxe6 (forced else NxQ)
  2. d7 Bxd7
    2... Ke7 dxc8=N+, black captures however then g4 and g7 will fall and black's king side is destroyed. Black king in the center with lots of active pieces on the board
  3. Rxd7 threatens mate Ne7 only def
  4. Rxa5! Probably the move you wanted us to find

At this point black has huge issues on back ranks. Cant capture queen or rook else mate in one. Then I guess Ba3 will be too strong and black will have to either get mated or give back too much material. Actually I'm not sure it seems quite complicated because white has a back rank issue too but at least it's a fun position and as it's a lightning game you'll win because you are on the offensive and your opponent is very likely to blunder and get mated.


That's the main idea and thus I declare you as winner of this round! :)

What would you play after:

1. Nxe6+ dxe6
2. d7 Bxd7
3. Rxd7 Ne7
4. Rxa5 Rc8 ?

By the way the computer program Stockfish just showed me a really tricky defense in one variation which limits the white advantage (which still exists, however). So in case you are interested just wait for my later solution comment.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yes, this is a clear advantage for white.

At one point in this whole variation black has a better defence so that in the end he only loses one pawn. Maybe you like trying to find that, but if not, I will show you later. :)

@@ -189,16 +189,17 @@
t if not

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It is a variant that starts after 4. Rxa5.

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