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RE: Chess problem 52, and the "null-move heuristic". / Schachaufgabe 52 und die "Null-Zug-Suche".

in #chess7 years ago

Your solution looks good! (1....Rc2 first, Rc3 is an impossible move). If Black plays 1...Qb8+ (instead of Qxc2), then 2.Bc7 - Qb3 3. Bd8+g5 4. Rc4 - Qxc4 and 5. g3 mate. But I think you found the key ideas.


You are right, thanks :)

That was a very nice variation, too!

What after

  1. Rc2 Qxc2
  2. Bd8+ g5
  3. Ba5 Qe2 ?