Chess again? Oh yes! Days which are becoming shorter and cool outdoor temperatures are indicating that winter is already knocking at the door here in Germany. So what could be better than uncasing your chess pieces, sit down with a cup of warm coffee or tea and play some chess games with a friend? Or in case you are a Steemian and know this chess column, instead of that you also could try solve my little chess quiz of today. :-)
This time you have to deal with an endgame position which I have contrieved for you. Apparently black is lost because the white passed pawn at b7 seems to be unstoppable. However, I guess you, the clever readers of this section, will find the only way to rescue the black position ... will you? :)
Schon wieder Schach? Oh ja! In Deutschland werden die Tage ob des nahenden Winters bereits kürzer, und draußen ist es kühl. Was könnte man also Besseres tun, als seine Schachfiguren auszupacken, sich mit einer warmen Tasse Kaffee oder Tee hinzusetzen und ein paar Schachpartien mit einem Freund zu spielen? Ist man ein Steemian und kennt diese Schachkolumne, könnte man stattdessen auch versuchen, mein heutiges kleines Schachrätsel zu lösen. :-)
Dieses Mal habt ihr es mit einer Endspielstellung zu tun, die ich mir für euch ausgedacht habe. Allem Anschein nach ist Schwarz verloren, weil der weiße Freibauer auf b7 unaufhaltsam zu sein scheint. Ich vermute allerdings, dass ihr, die cleveren Leser dieser Schachspalte, den einzigen Weg finden werdet, welcher die schwarze Stellung zu retten vermag ... werdet ihr? :)
Nice miniature, congrats to the winner :-)
Stalemate if white converts to Queen or Rook. I assume White can't win with Knight or Bishop.
That looks good
Why exactly can't white win if he converts his pawn into a knight or a bishop? :)
Because black can move Kb4 and then force exchange of pawns through Pa5 after which it's King vs King + Bishop / Knight with no pawns and from memory that's a draw.
That's completely correct! Congrats to you @miniature-tiger, the winner of this round! :)
Really beautiful endgame miniature!
Thanks @jaki01!
It is on point though. Like your explanation.
1. ... Rb4 2. cxb4 + 3. Ka6
If white promotes a Queen or Rook then the position is a draw.
If white promotes a Knight: 3. ... b8 = N + 4. Kb5 Kc3 5. a5 bxa5 6. Kxa5 draw
If white promotes a Bishop: 3. ... b8 = B 4. Kb5 Bd3 5. a5 bxa5 6. Kxa5 drawHi again @jaki01. This time was a bit difficult but I think I found the solution. The idea behind this position is to try to enclose the black king by his own pieces:
Great solution ... but look above, @miniature-tiger was faster this time. :)
Thanks @jaki01... No problem, he made a great job :)
Two puzzles in two days. And this one looks deceptively simple. Thanks for keeping them coming.
Damn missed it again. It always seems like these posts get around 4:00 am in my time zone (greece). Well to be honest, I would have no idea how to solve it. I spend a good time on this, and still got suprised by the solution
Check with rook at a2. King to c1. Rook b2. King takes rook. Black king a6 forcing a draw if white queens. Then black king can capture pawn at next move if white king or other pawn moves.
He could change the pawn to a bishop or knight and probably win though
I see no draw as the black king can move to a5 now ... (Apart from that white need not to convert the pawn into a queen.)
This is a hard one haha. I was trying to do it quickly in my head. My bad
True. My bad.
K-A6, pawn-B8 queened
R-b4, then if either pawn or queen takes the rook you have a draw
Although I guess white should still win this now...
And now?
Ah, fell asleep, too late again
These are getting harder!!
img credz: pixabay.com
Nice, you got a 8.0% @minnowbooster upgoat, thanks to @jaki01
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Black king infront of bishop
Check it to increase your skill...
Unique game....
Let's check it
Thank's for sharing sir
You are welcome! :)
Check it to increase your skill...
Unique game....
Let's check it
Thank's for sharing sir
i wish i knew how to play this game
Start with learning the rules ...
Hahahahaha. Thank yhu. I will
I don't know how to play chess, but I think it is very hard situation.. ;)
interesting to see who will win
i love these chess post :)
Hi, jaki01. I would have liked to solve this play, but I could never learn to play chess even though I made some plays online, but I did not learn enough.
no idea how to solve it. nice problem @jaki01
another great game
checkmate lol once again :D
looking for the moves
i need to learn the moves
good post, thanks for sharing, my friend is me for you you. please my friend once visit to my post.
@jaki01 - Sir I could say this is a massacre game... All are death, only few survive... Can you please tell me which color you want to win Sir? I'm still little confused that's why asking....
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
Today I decided to start my chess career again :D Otherwise I can't answer your questions :D Do you have any online site to play chess? If you have, can you please share it with me friend!@jaki01,
Am also like chess, thanks for this
You got an opponent!
ResteemedGreat chess contest with a problem @jaki02
have a great day.Thanks for your chess article. It is a good . @jaki01
Thanks for the information of chess problem. this is great post thanks for sharing.

Upvote Resteem
This is chess play is not idea and great post.
thanks for sharing
100% like and resteem
Chess player= better wisdom
Resteemed @jaki01, You daily wise posted valuable question of chess game?
Exultant Article of Chess Game . this is great post.
Upvote Resteem @jaki01
Wow amazing playing for chess . thanks for article useful.
For your post propagation.
Steemit chess lover
I hope to be good someday
oww chess yes, games that I do not like to play but really enjoy when i watch it .. great friends, this is good article @jaki01
another one
I'm going to win you if we play chess together, i love the game. It's very lively if in the winter and you are with a cup of coffee
Lol, as what will you win me? As follower? Only if you upvote my articles. :)
Or did you mean you could win against me? In your dreams maybe, haha ...
I don't know how to play chess but i know that chess is a very interesting game.
winter while playing chess oy ... ehhehehe
Wow amazing playing for chess . thanks for article useful.
another one
Pxb4 Ka6
Stalemate if white converts to Queen or Rook. I assume White can't win with Knight or Bishop
Please don't copy text of other users.
Rb4 2. cxb4 + 3. Ka6
:-) That's correct, but @miniature-tiger posted that already yesterday. :)
ho sorry i wasn't chaked that. i apologies for this @jaki01
No problem at all.
ho sorry i wasn't chaked that. i apologies for this @jaki01
I dont have good knowledge about chess...but I'm really like learn chess...and I'm interest watch chess games...
Cheers~~~Hey @jaki01
Maybe you tried to upvote, but it didn't come through ... ;)
I think I go for Ra2 and take his pawn