Chess problem 60 / Schachaufgabe 60

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


Recently I played some online blitz chess on the lichess server again. Nothing serious, just for fun. Actually playing chess in 'automatic mode' without thinking too hard, is one of my means of relaxation. Even if most of the time these very fast games are full of mistakes they can be rather exciting and enjoyable, like for example the one I present you today.
I had the white pieces, and finally, in the position below I got a rather strong attack.
Now it's your task to find out how I could convert my advantage into a victory! :)

By the way I would be interested to know your opinion: do you like these positions which arise in my real chess games (and which are most of the time somewhat easier to solve) or do you prefer my self composed, artificial positions where I try to make it as difficult as possible to find the solution, and which are often created to illustrate typical chess motives?


In letzter Zeit spielte ich wieder einige Online-Blitzschachpartien auf dem lichess-Server. Nichts Ernstes - nur zum Spaß. Auf diese Art und Weise Schach im 'Automatik-Modus' zu spielen, ohne allzuviel zu grübeln, ist für mich ein bewährtes Mittel, mich zu entspannen. Obwohl solche Partien mit sehr kurzer Bedenkzeit meist mit Fehlern gespickt sind, können sie - wie auch das heutige Beispiel zeigt - sehr spannend sein und vor allem Spaß bereiten.
Ich hatte mit Weiß bereits einen gefährlichen Angriff initiiert ...
... den ihr nun zu Ende führen sollt! :)

Übrigens würde mich eure Meinung interessieren: Mögt ihr solche Stellungen aus meinen tatsächlich gespielten Partien (die oft etwas einfacher zu lösen sind) oder bevorzugt ihr meine selbst komponierten, künstlichen Schachaufgaben, die ich so schwierig wie möglich zu gestalten suche, und welche häufig dazu dienen, typische Schachmotive zu veranschaulichen?

FEN: 1r2r1k1/1p1nq1pp/p4p2/5RN1/2p3QP/6P1/PP4B1/7K w - - 0 1

White to move:
Weiß am Zug:

There are 3 pages
  1. Bd5+ Kh8 (if Kf8 then 2. Nxh7 mate) 2. Nf7+ Kg8 3. Ne5+ Kh8 4. Ng6+! hxg6
  2. Rh5+ gxh5 6. Qh5 mate.
    and if 3...Kf8 4. Nxd7 Qxd7 5. Rxf6+ winning

I like both of your puzzles: from your games and your created ones. The more difficult, the better I'd say.

That's great, you also found the side solution after 3. ... Kf8!
Congrats, hereby I declare you as winner of this round! :)

indeed difficult it can be a challenge

Congrats mate :)

congratulations on your victory, friend.
from the position of all remaining troops, you are a chess player with high minds

I'm late :( ... Congrats to @iceblue 👏👏.

Both of your puzzles are very interesting, but I prefer your artificial positions. Anyway I enjoy a lot trying to solve your puzzles :)

Ich finde Schach wirklich super, bin aber eher ein just for fun Spieler....
Deine Schachrätsel könnte ich bestenfalls durch Zufall und Glück lösen 🤪

@jaki01, Wow the solution just took only 6 draws! Congratz @iceblue!


Direct Bishop to box 5 d, if King goes to box 8 f, point Knight to box 7h @jaki01

No, the king won't go to f8, but to h8 ... :)

Your posts encourage me
To learn complete chess
I know the rules to some extent, but quite primitive and beginner
Not professionally
I wish I had enough time

1.Qg4xc4 - Kg8-h8
2.Hg5-f7 - Kh8-g8
3.Hf7-h5 - Kg8-f8
4.Qc4-g8 chek matt

  1. Qxc4+ Kh8
  2. Nf7+ Kg8
  3. Nh6++ Kh8 and white hasn't made any progress.

Check the correct solution above! :)

so much copy and paste in this Chess-Game, unbelievable... it's not my game but poker is one of my favourite. Chess is a good Basic for Poker ^^

you play a very good game
chess is a game that requires our minds calmly and we must play concentration and think right
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I would move white queen , 4 steps to left side

i love this game .. i dont know the coding system .. .. nice topics. @jacki01

I think i will like the real game situation.It will help while you are playing real games.Artificial position will improve your skill when you will be in deep trouble playing chase at that time it will come handy.Thank's for the post.@upvoted

I like chess upvote and resteem done @jaki01

g5 to e4 upvoted and resteemed @jaki01

Just check the solution above ...

The artificial situation i will like because when that kinds of situation will come then it will be easy to face.Thank you for such post.@upvoted and resteemed

Chase is a cool game i would like the artificial position.That will improve my game.@upvote and resteem

Chase? Chess? ...

When I played chess at the computer, I would have given it a wrong way if I made a mistake. There are lots of fun in chess games.

very interesting post ..
many people try to comment in your post ..
hopefully this is best for steemians senior steemit @jaki01

its a nice game ..i do not participet bt want to see who is to win

Just check the solution above ...

:))every problem there must be the easiest way in this life @jaki01

this is the most difficult problem in resolving it, if we are careful in deciding it ..
hehethis is the problem that is shared for post @jaki01


a very good game for us to play with friends. and success always make your friends yes @jaki01

wow nice game

The game of chess is a game for people who have a strong mindset. You are one of my dear friends

Thanks for your chess article. It is a good work

have a great day Thanks @jaki01

That's mind providing game. I like but I couldn't understand how to play it.

chess is a great sport of mind, with this game our mind will be smart and always think,
this is the best poetry @jaki01.

The rules of chess (also known as the laws of chess) are rules governing the play of the game of chess. While the exact origins of chess are unclear, modern rules first took form during the Middle Ages. The rules continued to be slightly modified until the early 19th century, when they reached essentially their current form. The rules also varied somewhat from place to place. Today, the standard rules are set by FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs), the international governing body for chess. Slight modifications are made by some national organizations for their own purposes. There are variations of the rules for fast chess, correspondence chess, online chess, and Chess960.

Chess is a two-player board game utilizing a chessboard and sixteen pieces of six types for each player. Each type of piece moves in a distinct way. The goal of the game is to checkmate (threaten with unescapable capture) the opponent's king. Games do not necessarily end with checkmate; players often resign if they believe they will lose. A game can also end in a draw in several ways.

Besides the basic moves of the pieces, rules also govern the equipment used, time control, conduct and ethics of players, accommodations for physically challenged players, and recording of moves using chess notation. Procedures for resolving irregularities that can occur during a game are provided as well.
Screenshot-2018-3-17 Play Blitz Chess Online.png

Well ... the chess rules ... but what is your solution of the problem? :)

yah sir i will try to find solution

iam chess play is not idea and Excellent post.
thanks for sharing
100% like and resteem

chess is wonderful game. i know you love chess.
keep it up.

Your chess questions posts developing steemians wisdom. Definitely awesome questions. Need to think much. Nice you decided to share @jaki01.

Wonderful article for chess game.
Thanks for sharing
Upvote Resteem

Wow, although not serious, interesting also to discuss things like this chess game, a fun topic for me to read, although I cannot play chess :D

Permainan yang sangat menakjubkan butuh kpnsentrasi

its great......i impressed to see your game post......

Very nice i like it
that's really great.......//////////

Wow amazing playing for chess . thanks for article useful.

For your post propagation.

Great game! thanks for sharing.
((((((((( Resteem Service))))))

Exultant Article of Chess Game . this is great post.

Upvote Resteem @jaki01

Hey @jaki01 missed u alot these days,where are you,thank god you are back again,such an amazing post iam huge fan for your blog posts.

Come on ... don't exaggerate ... :)

interesting game, my prediction, 3 more steps the king can not move anymore.

Thanks for this great game sharing.........../////////

Cool frends

wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote.....

I see, you finally found the upvote button? Great! :)

Exultant Article of Chess Game . this is great post.

Upvote Resteemunnamed.gif @jaki01

lolz this is hard would love to see the winning move

Just check the full solution above. :)

There are 3 pages