Just got back from meetup and saw reply. Hmm, ok in this case a possible sequence could go like this: c8=Q, h1=Q, Qf8, Qe1+, Kd8, Qd2+, Kc8. From here Qc1+ or Qc3+ white replies with Kb7. If Qc2+ then Kb8. In either case, black runs out of useful checks while white is ready to mate on g7.
Just got back from meetup and saw reply. Hmm, ok in this case a possible sequence could go like this: c8=Q, h1=Q, Qf8, Qe1+, Kd8, Qd2+, Kc8. From here Qc1+ or Qc3+ white replies with Kb7. If Qc2+ then Kb8. In either case, black runs out of useful checks while white is ready to mate on g7.
That was great, wolf! ;-)