I wonder if there are other chess enthusiasts here on steemit?
I myself was a rather serious tournament player before (I was actually thinking about to try to make a living doing it) but to be good in this game takes really much time and requires a lot of practicing so that long time ago already I decided to treat it as a nice hobby only. I needed my energy for other things, but I still like to enjoy this wonderful game for example by playing online blitz games.
These days when I still played chess seriously some funny incidents did happen which show how much this game can influence your brain and your thoughts:
- For example one day I was playing table soccer with a friend. When I received a goal because my goal keeper went to the wrong corner I shouted "Damn, I have pulled my KING into the wrong corner!" My opponent was more than surprised "King?". :-)
- Another time I was playing table tennis and wanted to start the game. Surprisingly my opponent just started even if I should begin. I called "Hey, I am white!" (because the player with the white pieces begins in chess ...).
- Last but not least one day some friends and I were driving with a car and seeking for a nice place for doing camping. I was sitting in the back of the car and was ... playing chess. Then the car stopped and the others asked me what I was thinking about a place for staying there. I looked out of the window and said "Nice POSITION here." ...
Obviously chess is a nice game but one should not play it toooo often.
I was thinking about how to start a chess section here and decided to begin with a little chess combination I managed to find in one of my own online chess games. Of course I could have chosen any famous game of "Bobby" Fischer, Garry Kasparov or Magnus Carlsen. I am not as impudent to think that my achievements on the chess board are comparable to what these grandmasters did. But on the other side their best moves can be found everywhere in the internet anyway, so it may be more personal to start with one of my own games. I also will chose a position which is quite easily to solve so that many people here may have the chance to find the solution. This was the position: What did I play to be able to mate the opponent within two moves?
The one who posts the correct solution first will be upvoted. :-) But no help of computers please - use your own brains!
Thank you for posting @jaki01. Yes....to answer your query..there are quite a few chess enthusiasts here at Steemit. @mattclarke....@chessminator...@cato000....@chessmasters....@pickoum are a few that have come to bleujays attention.
Welcome to Steemit.
Happy New Year.
Thanks for that information! And happy New Year too! :)
I couldn't find any clear information about what happened with that idea ...@bleujay : Has that chess team been created already? : https://steemit.com/chess/@chessminator/steemit-chess-games-results-of-first-mini-poll
THere are two chess teams actually, steemychess and chess dragoons, and they are both on lichess. Steemychess is an account as well, and we been arranging tournaments in cooperation with steemsports and chessmasters. This is not happening at the moment, because steemsports and chessmasters have been under attack from flagging trolls.
I just see your comment now. Maybe I will enter one of the teams, but I have accounts at FICS and chess.com already, so I wonder if I should use an additional third chess site ...
I think that nowadays clearly lichess is the best free chess server.
It seems that @mattclarke has had some success...yes still hoping the other one makes a go of it.
If you scroll down @mattclarkes site...perhaps 20 days back..he conducted a contest....whether he has a separate site for games...bleujay is not aware.
All the best.
Hey, just searched my name and found this. I just ran a single match, to see how it would go. Good fun, and a novel way of doing it, but it was quite a drain on my time each day.
I'm trying to get enough enthusiasm together to run a monopoly game along similar lines.
Thank you for your reply @mattclarke.
Monopoly sounds interesting and you may attract more players. However....Chess has class and requires skill....therefore adds to the richness of what Steemit has to offer. That is not to say we could not use a bit of e'spiriit de corp from time to time which your idea of Monopoly may just do.
All the best. Cheers.
1 ... Rh4-h1+
2 Kg1 x h1, Qd6-h2++
Sorry, I am not up on chess notations.
There were several popular posts following the world chess championships here on steemit just a bit ago.
Congrats, you found the solution! As promised you will get the "upvote" as well! :)
I think Q @ D6 to H2.
White king moves to F1
Q @ H2 to H1 for mate.
Nice try but after 1 ... Qd6-h2+ 2. Kg1-f1 Qh2-h1+ white still can play 3. Qg6-g1 :)
Lol! I lost my queen... sigh...
Didn't even look at her...
Yea - I was just about to write that then I updated the browser.
No don't write that! I lost our queen!
hmm... really. I'm going to sleep now. I will look at it tomorrow.
Damn, I lay there in bed with the notification on the phone. Castle first...
Maybe next time you will win ... :-) By the way: Do you all think it is interesting to put a small chess problem here from time to time? Was it too difficult or too easy this time? I wonder if I should do it more regularly?
Sure, I like puzzles. I would be interested.
And it would be OK if it was harder, but something like this is also fine. 5 minutes distraction :)
B castle @H4 to H1...W king @G1 to H1...B queen @ D6 to H2
That's correct, congrats too, but @builderofcastles found and did post the solution more early. :)
I forgot to write that I had the black pieces ...
Queen to h,2 check
White king can only go to f,1
Queen to h,1 check mate
Same answer as to inphiknit: after 1 ... Qd6-h2+ 2. Kg1-f1 Qh2-h1+ white still can play 3. Qg6-g1 and then check mate is prevented ... :)
I am not good at Chess and other games as well. I am good and online marketing. :)