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RE: Chess problem 53 / Schachaufgabe 53

in #chess7 years ago

I think black can draw, let's see:Hi @jaki01

  1. ... f3
  2. gxf3 g3
  3. Ke3 g2
  4. kf2 g1=Q+
  5. Kxg1 later, the White king will eat the pawn of g2 with the help of the bishop and will win

But, on the other hand,

  1. ... f3
  2. gxf3 gxf3
  3. Bxf3 Kb6
  4. Be2 g5
  5. Ke5 g4
  6. Kf4 g3
  7. Kxg3 Kc5
  8. Kf4 Kb6
  9. Ke5 Kc5
  10. Ke6 Kc6
  11. Ke6 Kc5 The black king stops the white king and the match is draw. The bishop can't do a lot beacause the black pawn is on a black square.

Yes, indeed, the point is to recognize that in this position white cannot win with king, bishop and pawn against king and pawn! You were the first who came up with this idea! :)