stayoutoftherzHello dear Steemians. Yesterday, I played the Steem Blitz Chess Tournament organized by @schamangerbert. In this edition we were 18 players with 1726 average rating. I would like to show you a game against | stayoutoftherzHola amigos de Steemit. El día de ayer se realizo el primer torneo de ajedrez de este año organizado por @schamnagerbert. En esta edición participamos 18 jugadores con un promedio de elo de 1726. Aquí les dejo una partida de que gané en contra de |
juanmi96 Vs. stayoutoftherz
1. e4 c5
B20 Sicilian Defense: Keres Variation

2. Ne2 Nc6 3. g3 d6 4.Bg2 g6 5.c3 Bg7 6. d4 cxd4 7. cxd4 Bd7

8. Nbc3 a6 9. Be3 Rc8 10. Rc1 Nf6 11. h3 b5 12. a3 O-O 13. O-O e6 A solid position for both players

14. d5 exd5 15. Nxd5 Nxd5 16. exd5 Ne5 17. Bd4 Nc4
A better move for black was 17. … Bxa3

18. Bxg7 Kxg7 19. Qd4+ Kg8 20. b3 Nxa3 21. Rxc8 Bxc8 22. Qb2 Qa5 23. Ra1 b4 24. Nd4 Qc5 25. Rc1 Qb6 26. Nc6 Re8

In this position Black loses after 27.Ne7+ Kf8 28. Re1 Be6 29. Rxe6 fxe6 30. Qf6#, but I didn’t see that combination

27. Qf6 Bf5 28. Ne7+ Rxe7 29. Qxe7 Qd4 30. Qxd6 Nc2 31. Qd8+ Kg7 32. Qc7 Qd2 33. Qe5+ Kg8

34. Rxc2 Bxc2 35. d6 Qd1+ 36. Kh2 Bxb3 37. Qe8+ Kg7 38. d7 Ba4 39. d8=Q Bxe8
I would have won easily if I would played 40. Qxd8, instead I played:

40. Qxe8 b3 41. Qe5+ Kg8 42. Qb2 a5 43. Bc6 Qc2 44. Qe5 Qxf2+ 45. Bg2 b2 46. Qe8+ Kg7

47. Qe5+ Kg8 48. Qe8+ Kg7 49. Qb5 Qc2 50. Qe5+ Kh6 51. Qf4+ Kg7 52. Qe5+ f6 53. Qe7+
Time out, White wins

If you would like to play the tournament you need to visit schamangerbert’s blog, every Thursday he writes a reminder post with the rules, link and password of the tournament. We play every Saturday in lichess.org at 20GMT | Si quieres participar en el torneo, solo debes visitar el blog de schamangerbert, todos los jueves publica un post con las reglas del torneo, así como la contraseña y el link para jugar. Jugamos en la plataforma lichess.org todos los sábados a la 4pm hora de Venezuela |
Fun game! I think black is winning in the end position, right? It's tricky but looks like black just has to get out of the checks and not to step into checkmate. Was there a forced perpetual check there? Thanks for sharing and see you at the next tournament ;)
Of course, black is winning in the end but he lost because his time ran out.
See you bro :)
Excelente @juanmi96, gracias a ti he podido participar en el torneo organizado por el amigo @schamangerbert y que además de divertirnos un rato con nuestro deporte favorito, permite ganar amistades.. Un abrazo..
De nada @ropavejero, de eso se trata el ajedrez, de divertirse y hacer amigos. Nos vemos el sábado... un abrazo :)
Nos vemos el próximo sábado hermano te deseo éxitos soy en el lichess luis_carrizalez. Un abrazo. También soy venezolano.
Saludos @luis07. Nos vemos el sábado :)
Well done my friend!
Thanks friend :)