After Rg5, Nxf2 and nothing is threatened. Blacks can promote their pawn peacefully while drinking soda and there is no way to avoid it unless whites move one of the pieces threatening a checkmate, losing the game.
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Good objection :-) If I play 5. h5 then? Blacks position is pretty cramped and I don't see a defence against 6.hxg6 and mate soon. In that case White will drink soda :-)
By the way: One white rook is on f6, so there is no piece taking on f2. The whole line we discuss is:
1.Ne8 Qxe8
2.Rf6 g6
3.Qxh6+ Kg8
4.Rg5 now if
a) 4...Nf2 5.h5
b) 4...Nxe5 5.Rxe5 renewing the threat Rh5