Season 2 Round 9
The 9th round is Saturday March 03 at 20 GMT (Duration 1 hour)
Free to join in, for all levels!Die 9. Runde ist am Samstag den 03. März 21.00 Uhr (Dauer 1 Stunde)
Die Teilnahme ist umsonst und für alle Spielstärken!Here I will add the link to the tournament 1 hour before the start:
Hier werde ich den Link zum Turnier 1 Stunde vor dem Start einfügen:
Password: steemchess
Time difference from Greenwich Mean Time GMT 20.00
Hawaii | -10 hours | 10am |
Los Angeles | −8 hours | 12pm |
New York, Venezuela | −5 hours | 15pm |
UTC, GMT, London, Reykjavik, Bamako, Freetown | 0 | 20.00 |
Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nigeria | +1 hours | 21.00 |
Istanbul, Moscow | +3 hours | 23.00 |
Dubai | +4 hours | 00am |
India | +5.5 hours | 01.30am |
Novosibirsk | +7 hours | 03am |
Beijing, Singapore | +8 hours | 04am |
Tokyo | +9 hours | 05am |
Sydney | +11 hours | 07am |
Season 2: 06 Jan to 28 Apr 2018 / Standings after Round 8 / 24 Feb 2018 steemit Rating Rounds Points
*************** ******************* **** ******* ******
SecularSagacity @ape-5th 2216 7 64
stayoutoftherz @stayoutoftherz 1869 8 37
iobates @iobates 1859 5 27
HerbyW @schamangerbert 1630 8 26
beau-knows @beauknows 1994 7 24
Ititolee @anonymee 1859 7 24
sirtetris @zacherybinx 1935 4 21
IM Sparklehorse @wpaschall 2412 2 15
bitsignal @bitsignal 1828 4 13
ropavejero @ropavejero 1722 7 13
Samostically @samostically 1870 3 8
luis_carrizalez @luis07 1313 5 6
perpz @perpz 1632 4 5
thechicken @thechicken 1463 3 5
Hattifnatten @kooshikoo 1965 1 4
chamovnzl @chamovnzl 1561 1 4
the2014crow @the01crow 1560 6 3
juanmi96 @juanmi96 1701 8 3
Clinton210 @kintokris 1751 3 2
walnere @walner 1480 4 1
Masterswatch @masterswatch 1433 2 1
ELPROFE62 @elprofe62 1182 8 0
victor0026 @victor26 1014 4 0
Hende1 @hendeantoima 1179 3 0
jeanbautista @jeanbautista 1208 3 0
steemit-kasparov @kasparov 1227 2 0
hundlola @hundlola 1329 2 0
marty-art @marty-art 1259 2 0
feuerbolt @feuerbolt 1431 2 0
solexisortiz @solexisortiz 957 2 0
evgchess @evgsk 1195 2 0
amanardis @amanardis 1276 1 0
johannfrare @johannfrare 1797 1 0
Rainure @adityabhat 1316 1 0
crytopian @cryptobychirag 1164 1 0
arcrypto @arcrypto 1148 1 0
jaki01 @jaki01 2295 0 0
amec @amec 1453 0 0
Kinosito @julianyaber1996 1383 0 0
rakison1 @rakison1 1371 0 0
muro-luis08 @muro-luis08 1283 0 0
jhoselynecsolfob @jhoselynecsolfob 1077 0 0
cain1914 @cain1914 1500? 0 0
musamalijames @musamalijames 1500? 0 0
sn0n @sn0n 1262 0 0
SSEN @vergessen 1303 0 0
KingKrusher99 @kingkrusher 0 0
wilyeli-1260 @wilyeli-1260 0 0
arnmed14 @luzmari
ernfrarom @greciav
Points are given for 1. (10) 2. (8) 3. (6) 4. (5) 5. (4) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (1)
Please feel free to post your chess related links in the comments to grow the pool of players, thank you! You are welcome to create your own analysis or promotion post!
Bitte zögere nicht, Deinen schachbezogenen Link in den Kommentaren zu posten, um den Pool der Spieler zu vergrößern, danke! Gerne darfst Du einen eigenen Analyse oder Promotion Post erstellen!
Payout for last week (24th February):
I got 3.976 SBD from the reminder post, 16 players (16 registered): 0.25 SBD each!
Final result season 1 / Endergebnis der 1.ten Saison link
Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!
Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!
Original content by @schamangerbert

Thank you!
Hello! I'm excited to play the tournament. Here is my lichess name: arnmed14. Thanks for the iniciative!
Welcome on the boards!
By the way I sent you a message on Lichess. Please check it out.You are the bomb @schamangerbert.. Well I hope to win this edition since I have been close in previous editions like this one
Hi. I want to play the tournament. This is my user of lichess: ernfrarom.
Welcome on the boards!
Super Idee, ich spiele Schach zwar auch aber nur mit der Familie, da kann ich mit euch Profis nicht mit halten. Wünsche aber viel Spaß!
Wir sind keine Profis, du kannst jederzeit mitmachen. Verlieren kannst du bei uns nichts, es gibt nur Gewinner, meißtens ist es Erfahrung die man mitnimmt und ein wenig SBD's. Also trau dich!
Here we are again to participate in this exciting chess tournament, to get the best shows
@ schamangerbert .............yes,,,,its has two days to start the steem blitz chess are such a play lover person........thanks for your informative post.......good luck.......
I used to play chess when I was a kid but haven't thought about it in years, unfortunately!
You have 2 days to train a little bit, just log in to lichess and start again, you will see that you never forgot chess, and our main goal is to have fun and a great competition :)
I want be a part of this game..jpeg)
I will join with you.
I wish it be a very successful game and we all enjoy it.
I must upvote and resteem to help you grow the number of players.
What is your lichess name?
Hey @schamangerbert, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)
& great post..
i love this post..
thanks for sharing..
#sir your very well post... I really love you @sir
Thanks for this great information.......//////.............//////////////
Write Link, send 0.100 sbd. 3000+ followers can see you (resteem)