Reminder: STEEM Blitz Chess Tournament Saturday 21 April 20 GMT/ Erinnerung: STEEM Blitz Schach Turnier Samstag 21. April 22.00 Uhr (finished!)

in #chess7 years ago (edited)

3 SBD Steem-Bounty inside!! Your vote count!

Season 2 Round 16 (Fischer Random 960)

The 16th round is Saturday April 21 at 20 GMT (Duration 1 hour)

Free to join in, for all levels!

Die 16. Runde ist am Samstag den 21. April 22.00 Uhr (Dauer 1 Stunde)

Die Teilnahme ist umsonst und für alle Spielstärken!

Here I will add the link to the tournament 1 hour before the start:

Hier werde ich den Link zum Turnier 1 Stunde vor dem Start einfügen:


Password: steemchess


Time difference from Greenwich Mean Time GMT 20.00 (check your sun saving time!)

Hawaii-10 hours10am
Los Angeles−8 hours12pm
New York, Venezuela−5 hours15pm
UTC, GMT, London, Reykjavik, Bamako, Freetown020.00
Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nigeria+2 hours22.00
Istanbul, Moscow+3 hours23.00
Dubai+4 hours00am
India+5.5 hours01.30am
Novosibirsk +7 hours03am
Beijing, Singapore+8 hours04am
Tokyo+9 hours05am
Sydney+11 hours07am


  • We play every Saturday!
  • We play on the free chess server
  • An access there is set up in a minute with your email verification
  • All games are scored, so your initial score of 1500 will change according to your performance
  • Game mode is 5 minutes plus 2 seconds for each turn
  • Total play time is 60 minutes
  • Pairings are determined automatically
  • Try to keep the games short so you can play more games
  • Beserk Button for halving your time and deleting your extra time to play faster
  • Games must be started after 20 seconds, otherwise they are considered lost
  • Anyone can participate, committal comment desirable (with your name)
  • Please upvote and resteem to help us grow the number of players
  • The tournament link and password are added as comment 1 hour before the start in this post
  • Promotion and analysis-post desired, all payout is for you!
  • GMT time converter:
  • The SBD of this reminder post will be paid out in equal parts to all players.
  • Feel free to post your post links in the comments


  • Wir spielen jeden Samstag!
  • Wir spielen auf dem kostenlosen Schachserver
  • Ein Zugang dort ist in einer Minute eingerichtet, nach der Anmeldung den Bestätigungslink anklicken
  • Alle Spiele sind gewertet, das heißt deine Anfangswertung von 1500 wird sich entsprechend deiner Leistung verändern
  • Spielmodus ist 5 Minuten plus 2 Sekunden für jeden Zug
  • Gesamtspielzeit ist 60 Minuten
  • Paarungen werden automatisch bestimmt
  • Versuche die Spiele kurz zu halten um mehr Partien spielen zu können
  • Beserk Button für Halbierung deiner Zeit und Streichung deiner Zusatzzeit um noch schneller spielen zu können
  • Partien müssen nach 20 Sekunden begonnen werden, ansonnsten werden sie als verloren gewertet
  • Jeder kann teilnehmen, verbindlicher Kommentar erwünscht (mit Deinem Namen)
  • Bitte um upvote und resteem um mehr Spieler anzusprechen
  • Turnierlink und Paßwort werden als Kommentar 1 Stunde vor Beginn in diesem Post eingefügt
  • Promotion und Analyse-Post erwünscht, alle Payouts davon sind für Dich!
  • GMT Zeit Umrechner:
  • Die SBD dieses Erinnerungs-Posts werden an alle Spieler zu gleichen Teilen ausbezahlt.
  • Bitte poste deine Links in den Kommentaren

Season 2: 06 Jan to 28 Apr 2018 / Standings after Round 15: 14 April 2018

IM Sparklehorse@wpaschall2412215

No rounds played (please re-register): @amec @julianyaber1996 @rakison1 @muro-luis08 @jhoselynecsolfob @cain1914 @musamalijames @sn0n @kingkrusher @wilyeli-1260

Points are given for 1. (10) 2. (8) 3. (6) 4. (5) 5. (4) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (1)

Please feel free to post your chess related links in the comments to grow the pool of players, thank you! You are welcome to create your own analysis or promotion post!

Bitte zögere nicht, Deinen schachbezogenen Link in den Kommentaren zu posten, um den Pool der Spieler zu vergrößern, danke! Gerne darfst Du einen eigenen Analyse oder Promotion Post erstellen!

Payout for last week (14th April):

I got 7.755 SBD from the reminder post, 19 players (18 registered): 0.43 SBD each!

Final result season 1 / Endergebnis der 1.ten Saison link


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

      Schaman Gerbert      IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


I want to join there. What is the requirement. Please tell me.

Post your lichess name to the new reminder post, it will be online in 1 hour.

amigo puedo editar mi nuevo nick name en el ajedrez pasa que perdi mi usuario anterior hende1 pero me creare uno nuevo tan solo confirme que si puedo cambiar mi nick me agrega y se lo paso en un comentario buen dia

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.343 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.343 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

¡Excelente!, me encanta participar en este torneo. Siempre agradecido de participar.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.343 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.343 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

This time I can't miss it!

I have been a tad of busy these past two Saturdays, but this time I'm staying home to have some fun playing chess! I will have to practice a little to get a decent place into the competition. If you don't mind I will tell two of my friends to join the contest, one of them already has an Steemit account and is a strong player.

By the way Good luck for everyone on Saturday!

Great! Let them register here with their lichess name.

We'll see each other in the friend @ralk98 tournament, we'll have a treat and our favorite game. It is wonderful ..

@ropavejero ya cree la cuenta, mi nombre de usuario en es rataelamor
mi pregunta es como logro que me anoten en la lista para participa.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.276 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.206 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.070 SBD from the community!

It is amazing how entertaining chess can be, on Saturday I keep that time to play with steemit.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.321 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.206 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.115 SBD from the community!

Can´t join tomorrow, sitting in a plane. Good luck to All!

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.206 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.206 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

What's mean 960? @schamangerbert

We have played it a few times now :) It is like normal chess, but a little bit different and very interesting, without opening theory.

Greetings friend @schamangerbert, is a new way to have fun during the game, here the surprise is what will make the game interesting. A hug

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.206 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.206 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

Interesting 960! I will partecipate

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.206 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.206 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

This time I want the podium! :)

Buona fortuna ;-)

Chess is truly a mental torture...
Played a lot of chess games today.

Loving this tournament a lot proud to be first commentor.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.069 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.069 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 SBD from the community!

its been a while since I played chess but this seems like a great opportunity to pick it back up. ill have to look into signing up on for the next one!

Ill be following you to keep posted on developments and upcoming games.

to sign up do I simply go to the link on game day?

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.088 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.000 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.088 SBD from the community!

Will this saturday have a chess play?

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.046 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.000 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.046 SBD from the community!

I have sponsored the comments with 3 SBD with the steem-bounty!
It is up to YOU how to distibute it :)

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.040 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.000 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.040 SBD from the community!

A bounty of 3.000 SBD has been set on this post by @schamangerbert! You can read how they work here.

that's pretty cool to know....

Playing Chess always makes you smarter, learning to win and lose, determining a strategy to counterattack the enemy is the duty for victory, this Saturday I will join the game.

Please post your lichess name here.

wow this is amazing sir,have a great day.

In chess, as a purely intellectual game, where randomness is excluded...I am also love to play chess... Can i join with you @schamangerbert

good @shamangerbert to compete in the tournament tomorrow my username at is rataelamor

Welcome on the boards! Good luck!

Yes, just post your lichess name here.

I play chess in apps and pc chess.. But i hve no lichess account @schamangerbert

It takes one minute to make one. There is also an app, all for free.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Greetings friend @summisimeon, says that practice makes the teacher, so go ahead with the practices, but without forgetting that we are here, to have fun with the best game in the world. The chess.

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.383 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.206 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.178 SBD from the community!