The next round is Saturday January 06 at 20 GMT (Duration 1 hour)
Free to join in, for all levels!Die nächste Runde ist am Samstag den 06. Januar 22.00 Uhr (Dauer 1 Stunde)
Die Teilnahme ist umsonst und für alle Spielstärken!Here I will add the link to the tournament 1 hour before the start:
Hier werde ich den Link zum Turnier 1 Stunde vor dem Start einfügen:
Password: steemchess
Time difference from Greenwich Mean Time GMT 20.00
Hawaii | -10 hours | 10am |
Los Angeles | −8 hours | 12pm |
New York, Venezuela | −5 hours | 15pm |
UTC, GMT, London, Reykjavik, Bamako, Freetown | 0 | 20.00 |
Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nigeria | +1 hours | 21.00 |
Istanbul, Moscow | +3 hours | 23.00 |
Dubai | +4 hours | 00am |
India | +5.5 hours | 01.30am |
Novosibirsk | +7 hours | 03am |
Beijing, Singapore | +8 hours | 04am |
Tokyo | +9 hours | 05am |
Sydney | +11 hours | 07am |
Season 2: 06/January to 28/April 2018 steemit Rating Rounds Points
*************** ******************* **** ******* ******
jaki01 @jaki01 2295 0 0
SecularSagacity @ape-5th 2247 0 0
sirtetris @zacherybinx 2001 0 0
johannfrare @johannfrare 1961 0 0
beau-knows @beauknows 1902 0 0
Hattifnatten @kooshikoo 1888 0 0
stayoutoftherz @stayoutoftherz 1882 0 0
ropavejero @ropavejero 1832 0 0
iobates @iobates 1782 0 0
juanmi96 @juanmi96 1713 0 0
HerbyW @schamangerbert 1639 0 0
the2014crow @the01crow 1528 0 0
fancybrothers unknown 1486 0 0
feuerbolt @feuerbolt 1471 0 0
amec @amec 1453 0 0
Kinosito @julianyaber1996 1383 0 0
rakison1 @rakison1 1371 0 0
arcrypto @arcrypto 1333 0 0
pcste unknown 1287 0 0
muro-luis08 @muro-luis08 1283 0 0
marty-art @marty-art 1240 0 0
AxisYT unknown 1236 0 0
crytopian @cryptobychirag 1179 0 0
jhoselynecsolfob @jhoselynecsolfob 1077 0 0
cain1914 @cain1914 1500? 0 0
nenad-ristic unknown 1500? 0 0
steemit-kasparov @kasparov 1500? 0 0
ELPROFE62 @elprofe62 1500? 0 0
Hende1 @hendeantoima 1500? 0 0
luis_carrizalez @luis07
IM Sparklehorse @ 2412
walnere @walner 1407
oswaldoyepezr @ 1204
Points are given for 1. (10) 2. (8) 3. (6) 4. (5) 5. (4) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (1)
Please feel free to post your chess related links in the comments to grow the pool of players, thank you! You are welcome to create your own analysis or promotion post!
Bitte zögere nicht, Deinen schachbezogenen Link in den Kommentaren zu posten, um den Pool der Spieler zu vergrößern, danke! Gerne darfst Du einen eigenen Analyse oder Promotion Post erstellen!
Payout for last week (30th december):
I got 29.228 SBD from the reminder post, 10 players: 3 SBD each!
@ape-5th @beauknows @stayoutoftherz @zacherybinx @jaki01 @juanmi96 @ropavejero @schamangerbert @iobates @feuerbolt
Final result season 1 / Endergebnis der 1.ten Saison link
Bitte unterstütze @felixxx und @pharesim als witness der deutschen Gemeinschaft mit Deiner Stimme:
Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!
Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!
Original content by @schamangerbert

any woman on board?
are you all pros?
you are right?
what's your name on it?
the same as in here?
Ah, you are going to join in, that would be great!
We have now all levels from 1200-2400, you will get paired to your level after 1-2 games.
So far I know no woman till now, time to join and be the first :)
My name is HerbyW there, you see it in the table and may have a look to the other players as well.
Here is the post with the result from round 1:
I would love to!
but I saw Jaki he's a hustler haha
plus am not really a hustley haha
am shy!
see.. no woman .. if only my sister's here she's a hustler at that better than I am - she can do 3 moves
edit : oh I could watch first ?
I'll watch first then :)
I love Chess Captain and when I have the time this year, I'll jump aboard for a few games. Resteemd and I hope the club grows.
Hooray! I wont be on my cellphone today time for Berserk lol
BTW I did put together a post for how to use lichess's analysis bit. Definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to improve:
my name of susario is ELPROFE62Hello my dear brother @schamangerbert, I want to participate in the championship or chess tournament that you are promoting I already registered at
Ok, you are in! Start in 4.5 hours.
Hola amigo me gustaría participar en el torneo que debería hacer ? Ya estoy inscrito en la página me farta unirme al torneo mi usuario es Hende1
Ok! You are in, see you in 4 hours! Look for the link in the post, 1 hour before the tournament is starting.
Ok amigo animo estaré pendiente
Hola amigo, me llamo mucho la atención tu post y más aún el torneo, tengo muchas ganas de de participar sería un placer para mi estar con uds, mi usuario acá en steemit es @luis07 y en el lichess es luis-carrizalez. Saludos @schamangerbert
Welcome in the team! You are in the list now, see you in 3 hours!
I can not find you on lichess with "luis-carrizalez"!
disculpa es luis_carrizalez.. un placer poder participar amigo @schamangerbert.
Enter , I will be there my friend as from past one month I am busy in university exam. Will see you in match
Muy bueno, gracias por recordarme, allí estaré. Saludos!
Hello, I am looking forward to participating this Saturday. This seems to be a great way to get to know other chess players on Steemit. See you all then!
Great! You are welcome, please write your lichess name here down to get a part of the payout. I will add you in list then.
Hi @schamangerbert. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. My lichess name is steemit-kasparov.
4,5 hours to go! See you!
Ach, irgendwann hast du mich soweit und ich spiele Schach gegen dich! ;) Und all die anderen natürlich. Gib mir noch ein paar schlaflose Nächte, mein bärtiger, seltsame Instrumente spielender Freund :D
Aber gerne doch! Je eher du mitmachst desto besser wirst du :) Wir spielen ja nur zum Spaß :)
(Vergiss nicht deinen lichess namen hier zu posten)
Mache ich! Wenns soweit ist ;)
Ich glaube am Samstag geht es sich echt aus :)
Übrigens, hast du schon von unsere Discordserver für virtuelle Meetups gehört? Habe dazu gerade was gepostet, würde mich freuen wenn du auch dabei bist!
Schau ich mir gleich mal an!
(Vergiss nicht deinen lichess namen hier zu posten)
Hey guys. Feuer reporting, see you next saturday!
I'm excited for another round and a new season to start. Let's go!!
Link please!
It's 1.30 AM here and I'm still awake to support @schamangerbert for his amazing contribution to chess lovers..
Already feeling so sleepy after a long day at work..zzZZZ
Can anyone share the link to the tournament?
It was my fault! Sorry, next week it will be at the right time.
well to read about this steemchess and also good to wait for its result if i am player if chess sure i pariticipate in this game
Thanks for the information sir.
Nice to read about the steemchess...thank you for sharing with us....@schamangerbert
god bless you all
nice post @schamangerbert thanks for information