Mate in two chess puzzle from Carlsen vs Karjakin World Championship match 2016.

in #chess7 years ago (edited)

This mate in two chesspuzzle was on board after whites 49th ♖c1c8+ and blacks ♜h7 move. White to move and it mates in two moves. Can you see this mate in two puzzel?.

Please post your awnser in blog, for blogging and feedback use chesspieces images here below.

Chess pieces

king (♔,♚,K)
queen (♕,♛,Q)
rook (♖,♜,R)
bishop (♗,♝,B)
knight (♘ ♞,N)
pawn (♙,♟)


Qh6+, Kxh6; Rc8# or
Qh6+, gxQ; Rf7#

This is the correct answer.

♕h6+, ♚xh6; ♖h8# or
♕h6+, ♟x♕; ♖f7#