Wow! That is so thoughtful.
We worked on the chicken coop yesterday cleaning out and fixing the floors to the nesting box. That was a very sad and difficult job but Lee came in after we had finished and scratched around, gave us her approval.
They are now joined with the 2 chickens we lost during the winter due to stray hunting dogs.
I keep getting ready to go out side to check on the chicks and then remember, oh, they are not there anymore. After 6 weeks of their chirping in the house and then watching over them when they moved outside, I miss them a lot.
Brave Lee is once again abandoned and I feel so much sympathy for her.
Our internet service has been very spotty this week but we have agreed we will find some hatchling guinea fowl to work the land next time. They won't be so much like pets but they should do what we had originally intended when we started chickens and work the property but not wreak the garden.
Again, thank you for caring.