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RE: We are no longer chicken renters!

in #chickens8 years ago

Chickens tend to work things out naturally on their own. They have a few spats here and there to determine the "pecking order" but as long as it's not getting too violent (which shouldn't happen since there's no male in the group) then they'll be good henmates in no time. :)

Love the name Lady GlitterSparkles!!!


Thanks @lenadr. So far they are chasing and the new girl runs away and goes into the coop. I hope this ends soon, as I hate to watch it!

Do they let her out at all to graze and eat/drink?

A little I guess. I put extra food and water up in the coop and also just now I put the old girls in the run and gave them treats and let the new girl out to graze without bullies. Not sure if this is the right thing but I felt bad not giving her a chance to range.

That's actually perfect. Separating them gives them a chance to get to know each other without the competitive abilities. If it wasn't getting any better that's what I would have suggested. You're a natural chicken mom! :D

Update: the distance that the new girl has been keeping from the 2 old gals is getting smaller and smaller- each day is a lot better than the day before and they are nearly three amigas already!! Whew!!