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RE: Chicken Rakes

in #chickens7 years ago

We are still covered in snow but it is due to clear again in a couple of days.

I was then thinking of putting one of the chicken flocks in the raised beds in the back garden to scratch over, eat the bugs and fertilise.

But I do have some cabbages and kale overwintering there. Do you think I can trust the chickens to leave them alone... or will they be just a little bit naughty and destroy them as well?


I don't think they'd be able to destroy the roots of the kale, mine only eat the leaves and my roots are nice and deep. My chickens don't even eat the stems. But they do have a lot of green grass and stuff to eat, so all depends on your chickens lol!

These are quite young plants overwintering for the spring so they might be a bit too tempting for the chickens. I will have to find a way to net them off I think.

Good idea then if they're still not rooted in very well :) Best luck with finding some netting!

I am sure they will behave if I ask them nicely...