My son found peace 💗 I found eternal love

in #childhood8 years ago (edited)

My beautiful son, My Love ❤️Oshin kiszko died in my bed as I lay cuddling him-I was drifting in & out of light sleep.
I awoke at around 2am & realised Oshins breathing was very quiet🙏🏽
I placed my hand on his chest, over his heart ❤️
I became aware My Loves heart was no longer beating 💗 it's beloved rythem💗
I stayed with Oshin & savoured this very still, quiet & precious moment in time🙏🏽
I eventually fell asleep with Oshin's lifeless, yet phenomenally beautiful body🦋
This was our last night together & I treasure every single moment I had with my son🌊💞🌊
Oshins heart centre-chest-remained warm till that afternoon💗His heart was huge💗
Oshin gave me more love in his 6 years of life than I have ever received in my 38 years of life🌻

💫Oshin is a part of my soul💫
💫Oshin taught me integrity💫
💫Oshin taught me respect 💫
💫Oshin valued honesty 💫
💫Oshin gave me his all💫

☄️Oshin made it very clear he had a voice & that he ought to be listened too by Oncologists, nurses, judges, lawyers, fathers, mothers, sisters & brothers☄️

💗I listened to Oshin's voice & I advocated for his rights in a system that refused to even acknowledge he had a voice💗
💗I advocated for Oshin when the Oncologists threatened me! When the hospital took me to court! When the oncologists lied under oath & in affidavits & directly to my face!
💗I advocated for Oshin when the judge ordered Oshin to be forced chemo for brain cancer! When he was forced to have surgery placement of a port for chemo agent delivery! When 5 medicos pinned him down-tied his legs together with a sheet & forced a nasal gastric tube up his nostril & down the back of his throat💫He was so frightened of them, he fought back & they yelled "if you pull that out we will have to do this all again!!!!!"🦋Oshin cried & was so frightened & they were so heartless & cold-like psychopaths in suits!!!!

💗Oshin transcended this traumatising 3D dense plain on the 28/12/16 💗

Love & kindness