What Children Crave

in #children8 years ago

Children, like adults, crave positive energy in their lives. You can try rewarding them with presents, sweets, and other types of bribery. But when you stop and truly make a point to recognize their successes, they will strive to continue to do good things. Praise is an excellent way to motivate your children.

How often in life we let the positive slide right by us. We remember every little insult, every little wrong. Moreover, we cling to failures and dwell on mistakes. But those positive things in our days are glazed over. We can't remember the fellow shopper who smiled at us and complimented our children. We forget the praise our boss had at the beginning of the day. What is worse, we carry this same idea through to how we interact with our children. We remember the temper tantrum, or the other piece of poor behavior, but we forget all the good things that they do throughout the day.

Stop and hand out praise as willingly as you were to hand out treats. Create a chart to write down all the good things they do. Make sure to call their grandparents or your spouse and tell them about the great job that your child did. Recognize the positive in your children and they will continue to do positive things. They will respond to genuine love and sincerity in your praise. On the flip side, only take time to recognize the truly disobedient offenses. Discipline carefully and choose your battles. Remember that negativity will breed more of the same, while positive energy will respond in kind as well.




nice work keep it up!!

Thank you so much!