Check the Georgia Stones. They openly declare their intention to keep half a billion, who will only live and breed under their control. Basically, they will be serfs. I am stunned by their arrogance in making this monument for the public to know what they plan. Bill Gates is one of their main leaders, killing our children with tender smiles, as if he loves the kids, while he himself administers the poison.
I hope google has not made it impossible to view the stones, if you cannot find them, ask and I will post them here.
We have problem that a lot of kids are dying from measleas now. 3 unvaccinated kids are dead and probably we are waiting for more, since the number of infected kids is increasing. We got also polio death 20 years before and a lot of paralyzed people.
It is difficult to be dogmatic about the causes, but it is suspected that with the new vaccines, the virus survives and is passed on, whether through urine, stool or other means, causing children who are not vaccinated to get measles - as happened in Syria with polio (as quoted by me ).
I do not understand why children are dying from measles; when I was a child, measles was a common sickness and nobody that I knew of, died. Could it be that the strain used in the vaccines has been modified?
Twenty years ago, polio was supposed to have been eradicated and very rare. The vaccinations all changed after 1989, which is closer to 30 years ago, so any innoculations must have been with the new vaccines.
Please note, I am not against vaccinations in general, but we need independant studies to learn which ones work and which ones are just tools for sterilising or damaging our kids.
A lot of people dont aceppt vaccines. Some dont have acess to vaccination. Measles have a death rate of 1% and its deadly to dadly msotly for babies a d older or chronic condition people. 2 deaths fro measles are 4 and 8 month old unvaccinated and a thurd is 13 girl that have never been vaccinated. Its imposible to prevent measles flu or other airbone disease throught hygene and handvashing. Hygene can prevent a lot of diasesse but nit all of them.
In Rumenia they are 8000 cases of meassles and 40 deaths. Most of them from roma comunity. Italy the situation is the same. 5000 cases and 4 deaths. They have also meningitis deaths since people dont want to get vaccinated anymore and after the 5 star party thats again vaccination the situation its precipitating.
These problems are also being caused by the large flow of immigrants who have become immune to the diseases they carry and spread into Europe. For instance, they have brought to Europe the new kind of TB, for which vaccinations and medications do not work.
It is the cost we must pay for allowing our politicians to make criminal and treasonous decisions against their own people.
I dont blame emigrants since we dont have it here in my country. Most problems come from the Way we think and the way we act. As i have stated before internet has given the right to speak to evryone and most brainless people that before stayed quite now speak loud. I remeber when my sister got hep B, she was 19 month old. She have to get in hospital and they keep saying tha it was chronic. That was a long stay on hospital. She turned so thin that they have trouble to find veins and give infusion on head. Even after she recovered she was weak and not well generaly. Most people now havent seen any preventale diseasses and keep pushing vavcines, but we are turning 8 billions now and we have never seen so much people in our planet since history was documented. So thnx to science.