3 Important Love Languages For Children! Contributed By @princewahaj

in #children7 years ago (edited)


Children are sweet, lovely and innocent. Almost every couple desires to have a kid because they are that important for all of us. Actually, Children are the beauty of this world and there's no reason why someone would think otherwise because that's a fact.

Though we know that we love our kids and nothing is more important to us than our kids, we need a way to make them also feel that they are special to us. We need a way to transmit our feelings to them so that they'd never feel alone. But the question is, how we can do that?


There has been enough discussion on this topic and people shared different ways to express your love to your children, and all of them make sense. According to Dr. Gary Chapman, knowing the love language of your children (i.e the love language that your children understand well) can be a difference maker in the value of relationships. I've sorted the list of those love languages based on their importance in my view.

1 - Physical Love:

We all know that nothing can beat physical love. Even words can't compare with physical love because your hugs will make him actually feel what you want to make him feel. Hugging is not the only thing that falls under Physical Love category. Other acts such as playing with your kid, giving him a kiss and tossing him round in the air fall under that category too.

You could choose to make the confession of your love through words too but if you're doing it at the expense of physical love, then you're not doing it right. Yes, words are important and in my view, it is the 2nd big language of love for children. That's also what Dr. Gary Chapman believes.

2 - Lovely Words:

I was reading the book of Dr. Gary Chapman and an article from iMom about its importance and well, it made me feel great that I used to think the same as Dr. Gary Chapman. In my recent article, I've talked about the importance of appreciation and mentioned there that appreciation is the basic need of every human.

It is likely that your kids will try to make you happy either with their innocent drawings or by giving you some kind of gift. You must appreciate their love and make them feel that you loved their gifts (and well, that's a fact, all of us love the gifts given by our kids).


Other than appreciation, you should communicate with your children in soft and lovely manners. Our neighbor used to shout at their children a lot and used to use abusive language. I couldn't believe how she can do that as I didn't expect to see such a mother in my life. But that led me to the fact that every human is different. Of course, all mothers love their children but some of them really fail to express the love in good manners (such as my neighbor). Words like "I love you" or "you mean everything to me" can make a lot of difference. Just try that!

3 - Sparing Your Time For Them:

The time you spend with your children is worth much more to them than the time you spend on work. Feel the difference; you work just to bring happiness to your children because you love them and when you spend your time with them, your purpose is exactly the same. There's one thing that you must understand and that's "Money can't buy everything".


No matter how tired you are, if you could spare just 10 minutes in a day, spend them with your children. Ask them the personal questions like what they did in school or which subject the teacher taught to them in school, then you're doing the right thing. Your children will appreciate your time and notice that you spent your time even when you were tired. And maybe that's the love language of your children?

The book "The 5 Love Languages of Children" by Dr. Gary Chapman is great enough because I've learned many new things from it. If you would like to grab one, then I'd say it worth the read.


Images: Public domain from Pixabay https://www.amazon.com/Love-Languages-Children-Secret-Effectively-ebook/dp/B01BXPWGX4


Yeah, children needs all the care and affection in the world. Lovely boy you got there, resembles you kind of

Not my pictures, but they are nice children.

Oh, still nice anyways, thanks for sharing

It is true parents and guardian should minimize their use of insulting words on their children because children are actually God's blessing

There is a line somewhere between being firmly assertive and yelling at them too much. Insulting is not good.

Children are the most important thing to their parents. Parents give everything to them love, care, affectionate, even character/habit which is even in their genes already, that is when they are still young or at teen age. so that where ever they go they behave properly as their parents as already inserted all these into them. So that is why we must not harsh and always make them happy at all time.

Hugging works on adults too, hugs are healthy!

Time spent with the ones you love is something that you can't buy more of later in life, so make sure to make time for others.

one other important thing is to ensure that we communicate our love to them by doing those things they love to do with them. Also, a lot of parents are guilty of the very thing they instruct their children not to do. Those kind of acts often communicate hate to them. Leading by example is one other way to communicate love to kids.


I hope to always practice all 3 of these languages everyday with my children.

Nice post!

Children blessing of God. You are right Parents also pray for their kids making them much more successful and humble in life where they can be better human being.

Children are the true meaning of true love

I also have a boy and a girl, needing different attention and approach when we give the stimulus to think and invite him to play. but children can always make us happy and reduce stress levels after work

ideas and suggestions are very good brother, wish me hopefully my son will become a devoted person to his parents and nation, please follow me back also brother and do not forget vote :), thanks

Gracias por compartir esta información. Realmente los padres deben estar conscientes que lo más importante para sus hijos es su propia atención, siempre debe haber un tiempo para dedicarles y preguntar. ¿como te sientes?, eso creo en lo personal que es mas valioso que, cualquier otro detalle. Demostrarles cada día cuan valiosos son y lo importante que son en sus vidas.

Aplicar, disciplina con amor también es algo muy importante. No abusar de las palabras sino mas bien de exhortación al cambio y que no distorsionen su identidad.

Children are heritage from God

It’s absolutley true! Kids are the best thing we have!
We have to love them and teach them with a lot of good words and love.
It is the best way to show them how to be a good person.

In general it is said that the child is a person belonging to the marriage of anatar a woman with a man who is not related to someone who diaman by women never make a permanent marriage of children who is the next generation aspirational struggle of nation and human resources for national development. Children are the asset of the nation. The future of the nation and the country in the future will be in the hands of children now. The better the child's personality now the better the future of the nation. childhood is a long time in the series of life. For the life of the child, childhood is endless, so they can not wait for the coveted moment of recognition of society is no longer an adult child according to Hurlock (1980) , humans progress through several years ap that is in sequence, continuous and in a certain development time and commonly applicable.

Hola hermoso post lleno de conocimientos para nosotros como padres, debemos amar a nuestros hijos pero no solo eso, también estimularlos, educarlos y llenarlos de valores para que ellos puedan caminar en la vida. amar sin condiciones. Los hijos son un bello regalo de Dios. Yo amo a mi hijo.

Children are blessings