This is how mean some adults could be to an innocent child, #are You Friendly to that Child around you? I mean that child who is not your biological child?
This is how mean some adults could be to an innocent child, #are You Friendly to that Child around you? I mean that child who is not your biological child?
Funny enough some kids loves this...
Lol. Best way to treat a child that will never be satisfy, no matter how much he eats.
This is one of the languages a child understands. best friends
I comment my reserve... lol
This one weak me.
Words fail me
Oliver twist
Funny, this happens when mummy gives birth to a baby she has no time for and leaves him at the mercy of neighbours.This man cant be the father na.Nice eye opener bros
This guy isn't harsh. He's trying to be nice by feeding d baby. I guess d baby has longthroat
I supposed as well
Children like those who care for them.
D pics is funny 😂😁😁
Make the child belle full jor
All na fun