I have decided that I would like to host a Momma Bear Initiative!
(Pappa Bears are welcome too!!)
When I first started Steem I was blessed and grateful for the support and generosity of people helping people!
@wwf created a project, #stewardsofterramater and delegated all of his Steem away, to help people that were just starting. What an amazing group of people. Like minds gathering and fostering a positive, caring community!! I am so grateful to be paying it forward. It has taken me a while to find what resonates in my heart. To find what I am passionate about here on Steem.
What I will be doing, is acknowledging the Momma's and the Pappa's that are the voice of our sons and daughters. The beautiful people that stand for our future generations. The parents that break the cycles of violence, anger, hate, abuse and dysfunction.
I have recently been through a CPS investigation. Everything turned out fine. I reached out to people for help, and the support was overwhelmingly amazing! you can read my blogs about the process. It was terrifying, but with the help of others, I made a peaceful stance of freedom.
There are so many parents out there doing a great job. Parents that do their absolute best. Parents that struggle from day to day. Parents that are overcoming great adversities.
I want to support those parents! I want them to be heard! I want their sons and daughters to be heard!
I recently heard a saying, " If you heal the parent, you save 2 people. If you save only the child, you destroy them both."
How this will work:
I will be looking through Steem blogs, and every week pick up to 5 Mommas or Pappas. I will be donating a gift of steem or steem dollars to each Steemian that is picked. Hoping that it will be more as this picks up momentum. This is not a contest.
This is an initiative to give a hand up. To help those that are working hard for our future generations!
If there is someone that you think needs to be recognized for consideration, please feel free to comment, or contact me on discord. @earthmother#2185
Paying it forward
Please know that all the upvotes from this post will go to the NEXT Momma or Pappa! This will be a 'pay it forward' platform. This really excites me that we can help each other! The more upvotes and dontations, the more that are helped the next week.
If you are donating steem or steem dollars, please put Momma Bear in the comments.
Thank you so much for stopping by! It is my hope that we can all pay it forward! That we can help each other, and recognize the beautiful spirits that we are!
Have an amazing day!!!
This is great! Absolutely love it! I resteemed it and I give my 100% upvote.
Much love and respect to you!
Thank you! Hoping that alot of mommas and pappas can be supported!!! I am excited!!
If it is possible, I would like to nominate @iamjadeline.
I will take a peek! Thank you for the suggestion!!!
Congratulations my friend. I seems that people LOVE this initiative that you have started. I look forward to seeing the first set of people that you find to help support with gifts of kindness and generosity.
Thank you for your support and guidance! and thank you for the steem! I promise it will be put to good use here!! :) I am getting excited! Love the thought of helping others!! :) It is such a great feeling!!!
Beautiful project @earthmother!
I will keep my eyes open and send you folks i stumble upon... Share the workload a bit...
Keep Loving and Shining that Love in your beautiful way!
Thank you so much!!! Spreading the Love!!! :) I appreciate the support and help!!!