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RE: Parents Pay The Price Of Putting Their Children On Social Media

in #children7 years ago

The intent of parents or grandparents sharing the photos of their children is to share their joy and happiness with family members and relatives. I am sure there was no ill intention but they need to tighten their online security to only closed group. Thanks for this post as i never thought there will be a day parents get sued by their children for these innocent posting or sharing.


I get what you're saying that parents/grandparents often just want to share their family happiness with others, but the parents (not the corporations) need to draw a line somewhere and show some respect to their own child. Sharing pictures of happy moments is one thing, sharing pictures to a wider audience to embarrass or shame a child is something completely different.

"One 18-year old Austrian woman who sued her parents says that they had taken hundreds of pictures of her from all stages of her life, even sharing moments when she was going to the bathroom or naked in bed."

Tell me how sharing pictures online for all to see of your own child going to the bathroom or naked in bed is a parent innocently posting or sharing their joy and happiness?