My current problem in the crazy house and the main reason I'm here

in #children8 years ago (edited)

So I write to you all today to tell why I am 3 steps away from the asylum, and being drug in kicking and screaming.

Last school year mid April I get a call from my brother. He has a lot of mental problems, and spent his childhood being coddled by our mom. He was never taught how to be an adult. Later she confessed to me that she never expected him to live past childhood, and that's one of the reasons she never gave him any responsibilities.

Anyway back to the story at hand. He called and said his little boy was out of control and they didn't know what to do. I said I could come get him for the weekend and give them a break. Before the weekend was up they called and asked if we could keep him and get him through school. The school he was in had given up on him and was sending him home most days before school even started.

I of coursed said I would do anything for little man. My husband and I are unable to have children, and have always wanted some. We were in the process of fixing up our house to do foster care and adopt through that route. So after a few weeks of this wild little thing who was just a raging ball of anger. We decided that we needed to put that idea away for awhile at least.

We finally all moved past the anger stage a bit. His parents would get him back some on the weekend. Though to be honest they didn't want him back or would send him back early in the beginning most of the time. This only added to his meltdowns.

He is now 7 and is going into week 3 at his new school. I worry they will give up on him too. His teacher said she is scared for him. She has never seen a child this angry. He is also very physically aggressive when he is angry. I just pray they can figure out what is going on with little man and help him. He can be so sweet and compassionate when he can step aside from his anger and see the damage he has caused.

I love this little boy with all my heart and struggle daily with whether I am doing the right thing by keeping him, or if I should try to force his parents to take him back. I truly don't know how they feel.

His mother is a huge problem for me as well. She lies and manipulated everyone around. Which I kinda have to give her kudos for because she isn't very smart and can still sometimes pull it off. I will get into some of her stories another day.

Oh and they are actively trying to have another child. They have been telling me since we got little man in our house almost 6 months ago that they are moving to the town we live in, and he will live with them again when they do. Then she lies about houses they have secured to move into. I honestly wonder at times if it would be better to just give little man back, and try to move on and be done with the whole situation before it blows up in my face.

What do you think?



Thanks for sharing, I feel for you as I have witnessed a very similar situation which did not end well at all. I would reccomend as much structure for the child as possible. Possibly a summer camp that is directed towards his personality and likes. This is the time to take action for the child's sake and sorry to say it doesn't look like his parents are going to do any good for him. Hope all turns out well. Following you so I can stay updated on this situation

There's still so much to the story that nobody knows. Sometimes it's really hard to fathom just how much pain and anger he has bottled up inside, especially with the sweet attitude he has most of the time.