Important update concerning children

in #childrenlast year

This morning, I drew some Tarot cards, and I did a reading. "Something ominous about to happen". "All about children".
Yeah, well, it's more ominous than our worst nightmares.
Ilona broke the news, to me. She got it from Twitter, where it seems to be wandering around. I don't have a twitter account myself.
The missing children in the Netherlands, there seems to be a report that leaked. It says over 400 of those children died. It does not say how, nothing.

It's sickening.

Don't let her smile mislead you. She's not happy.
Did I mention, this is Ilona? She has a channel on YouTube, in English and in Dutch:

I go to sleep early this evening.
Such news just really drains you...
They do hunting parties at Château des Amérois in Belgium, near the French border. And there's a drug called adrenochrome. It is made from tortured children. "The younger the better."

Ilona made a short additional video:

Have a nice month, whatever
Thanks for reading the message
Positive thing: The news is out, finally!

Kind regards,

President of my own little republic


Millions of children disappear every year and no one ask why well now yes some of us...

There is a word for it. Infanticide.
It has been happening since eternity...

Yes, unfortunately, but it will stop soon, it must... hope so.🙏


Translation of this article:
"As far as we now know, 413 children died during the period of the benefits problem. In addition to processing this loss, the parents and, in some cases, the partner and children of these deceased children also had to deal with the benefit issue, according to a note from the Ministry of Finance dated 30 November 2022.

"Bizarre!" responds whistleblower Huig Plug. The memorandum proposes to recognize the 413 deceased children as those affected. Of these children, 314 were in the age category 0 to 5 years.

A scheme is also being proposed whereby 10,000 euros will be earmarked for all deceased children. This scheme would then cost a maximum of 4.1 million euros, 'which can also be fitted within the available resources for the child scheme'.

“After a check, because I couldn't believe it, it really is in official documentation from the central government; how on earth is it possible that 413 (!) children of the victims of the benefits affair, of which 314 (!) between the ages of 0 and 5, have died?” asks Annelies Strikkers.

Neurologist Jan Bonte asks: “And what caused those children to die? I would become a conspiracy theorist.” " (Translation: Google®)

4.13 Million? 4.13 Billion wouldn't cover it, nor would 4.13 trillion.
You cannot put a price tag on it! Grab the pitchforks, light the torches, and prepare the cocktails! Not Cuba Libre, nor Bloody Mary, Molotov!
Start building the guillotines, start digging the dungeons!