"Isn't it harmful for my little daughter to meet my ex-husband's girlfriends?"

in #children7 years ago (edited)

Excerpt: our relationships affect other people as well. And in the case of single parents, the attention must be given to the influence on the children. At first, the tendency would be to protect them but we should remember that underneath the small body and immature mind exist a deep soul and a master. Therefore, it is our responsibility to get beyond the boundaries of our fearful egos and present to them the truest and most genuine picture of the real reality. This educating situation is a wonderful opportunity for our growth as well.


Credit: pixabay


My name is Natalie, I am 33 years old, divorced for six months with a 4 year old girl. My ex is a good father, we had a relatively pleasant divorce and he frequently visits our daughter. The problem is that he has a habit of introducing every new woman he dates to my daughter. I am not jealous because I feel nothing towards him but I am worried about the well being of my daughter. Each time she comes back home and tells me about the new woman she met I feel she is sad. It gravely upsets me but when I tried to explain the situation to my ex he did not care.

Can his behavior harm my child? What can I do?

Thank you


Currently, following your divorce, it is very important for you to function as a good mother and to prove to your child, as well as to yourself, that the divorce was not the end of the world and that the family is well established and has a stable foundation. Such a protective tendency is appropriate and blessed given how young your daughter is.

“Harm” in your terms can occur on four levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

  • According to what you wrote, it is reasonable to assume that your ex and his dates do not physically injure the child. So talking about physical harm is irrelevant.

  • In the emotional sphere, you described a situation in which you feel sad because you think that your daughter should not experience sad emotions and it is your job, as her mother, to guarantee an exclusively rosy reality for her.

  • The solution to your dilemma resides at the spiritual level. First, you need to understand that the marriage, the birth, and the divorce were chosen by all concerned. What this means is that you and your ex, and your daughter as well, have chosen to go through a triplex relationship in which all of you would experience the meanings of love, family, separation, loss, new beginnings, sadness, and happiness.

Your daughter, who is innately an independent and sovereign human being, can learn the genuine meaning of feelings, choice-making, responsibility etc, from this experience, with the help of the messages and guidance that you provide. It is in your hands to navigate the current situation to a safe shore.

It is recommended that you tackle the issue from both sides, yours and your daughter’s. For yourself, accept the fact that you cannot control other people’s lives; you cannot tell them how to run their personal affairs. Nor should you. Angrily scolding your ex-husband would not help because his worldviews are different and you should respect that. As much as your own intentions and wishes seem right to you, any attempt to force or convince others to adopt them would be to no avail. Learn to accept it. Secondly, understand that sad emotions per-se are not a bad thing. The highest aspiration in life should not be a state of nirvana nor to experience only “positive” thoughts and feelings, but to reach a state of balance where the various aspects of the personality are equally developed. Emotions like sadness, apathy, and unhappiness are a natural part of the psyche and if you (try to) ban your daughter from having them, or if you convey the impression that it is not appropriate to feel them, you may cause her damage. You may cause her to repress such feelings when their natural expression is vital. Such repression is not healthy and may harm your child in her mature life.

Talking with the child

When you have completed the inner work with yourself you will need to talk with your daughter. Use the love that you have for her and from a safe, protected and tranquil space, create the opportunity for her to bring all her feelings to the surface. Do not assume that she is sad! Rather, ask her directly to say what she feels. Allow her to share and express her feelings and encourage her to do so by emphasizing how healthy and appropriate it is to do so. Then talk with her about the reasons that led her to feel the way she feels. She may tell you that she still hopes that you and her father would come back together. Obviously this is not your choice, so explain it to her with patience, love, and compassion. Remember that she wants you to be happy, so use the opportunity to speak about the meaning of happiness. Teach her that alongside the feeling of sadness is the happiness. Both feelings are natural. Your daughter is mature enough to grasp what you say; if not the words themselves then the meaning behind them.

Children have great telepathic skills. Trust that she can use them.


Credit: pinterest

In addition, talk with her about new beginnings; about new chances in life and in particular convey the message that divorce is not a dead-end. Use images from her own world – a new tooth that grows after the baby tooth fell; new leaves that grow in springtime. Likewise, you will find a new love and a new man to live with.

Another message that you may want to convey to your daughter is the power that people have to choose their own lives and to make decisions that lead them to happiness. Explain that her father makes new decisions and thus meets new women because he wants to be happy; because he wants a new beginning and therefore your daughter should be happy for him for making that choice.

To conclude –

There is no harm when your daughter discovers that her father wants to fall in love again. It is part of the cycles of human life and she chose to realize that at an early age. Such an occurrence can be seen as a good thing since her current experiences will allow her to develop balance and harmony.

Your duty as her mother is not to impede her from experiencing life but to encourage her and let her know that she is ok; to strengthen her security in what she feels and to help her develop the virtues of sharing, compassion, empowerment and inner joy.

Good luck!



Well done
But I think marriage should begin on a true basis, not just for love
Thanks for sharing this with us‏..

"there nothing wrong when the love is right"....quote from Paul Anka song....title "I don't like to sleep alone"

I’m sure you gave Natalie a great answer. I have to give her a great credit for not playing this game “im the best mom and your father is the bad one”. At the end it’s sad to see how easy it is for people to decide to get divorced. She even mentioned their divorce went smooth. I know this is not the subject, but I think that’s today’s biggest problem when it comes to marriage. People get married, have children and then they decide they are not meant for each other. Whether it’s father’s fault or mother’s won’t matter, at the end it’s children who suffer the most. The best outcome of this would be if her ex realized that Natalie and his daughter are the most important people in his life and not these sex toys he keeps replacing 😞.

Hence the saying marry someone you would divorce in a peaceful way"

I am a single mother and for work reasons, I live far from my family, my little boy who yesterday turned 3 years old, is practically everything in my life and I worry a lot about his development, many times I feel that I protect him too much, maybe because I think that being a single mother, I have all the responsibility, this appointment gave me many answers...

Your duty as a mother is not to prevent her from experiencing life but to encourage her and let her know that she is well; to strengthen her security in her feelings and to help her develop the virtues of sharing, compassion, empowerment and inner joy.

This makes me feel a little calmer, since I can understand that it is normal to feel sadness, that not everything can be happiness and that my role is to make you feel that you have a great support in me, thank you friend for your great teachings.

Most welcome 👍

It’s depending what thw daughter heard about the ex and how she take it. And on the beginig if the conection will be ok, to the future it is will be fine.

In my own opnion, I feel the daughter is getting emotionally tortured. It is not right for the dad to keep showing her new women everyday. This communicates a lot. The daughter might grow up thinking the dad is a womanizer and this could be the probable cause of their divorce with the mum. This will therefore bring a bad attitude towards the father as the daughter grows. My advice is simple, let Natalie sit down her ex husband and tell him whatever he is doing is going to affect the child as she grows up. It will bring emotional torture. Let him first settle himself and get one woman to be with and then he can introduce this particular one to the daughter. But on the other hand, Natalie should first find out the current condition of her daughter. Is she being affected so much or not. But am so sure, she is being affected. Thanks for sharing @nomad-magus

It's a sound advice to speak with the ex. However, the chances he changes his behavior are slim, I'm afraid.

Natalie is afraid ,,But i think there haven't noting to worry,,
When children are grown up,they learn ..This is not a mentaly disappearment,,

Right. Children are very resilient.

Chilren are not much aware about certain matters that happen day today life like divorce..We cannot judge whether it harmful for them or not because in some situation they feel they are comfortable with that as such we should let them in those situations..
Here the matter is related with father, after all he is her father if she ferls comfortable also father want to love her agian then we should let her go..because there is no harm to her in presence of her ex father..

I think if ther is no harm to her maybe a little explanation like you said , just slowly at a time she is only 4. I guess that is usually the problems of divorced parents with children

She may have felt that her daughter is too young but making her understand the reality of life at young age will be very healthy for the kid's growth and for her well being as well. She just had the divorce 4 months ago mayne just maybe she still feels the pain.
Thank you very much @nomad-magus for always enlightening me. 😊❤

Dear Natalie, it's obvious you want a better life and emotional balance for your daughter, that's why you seek help.

I love the way @nomad-magus interpreted the situation and the answers he gave you, my peak of his answer is here:

Do not assume that she is sad! Rather, ask her directly to say what she feels.

Find time to speak with your daughter, find out how exactly she felt, she's matured enough to reveal the whole truth to you for her to feel that way.

I wish you an happy life.

thouGhts varY .... but i am with you on this

it is really a great post for parents

Every Parents should good relation ship build up theirs children, its good for every parents.

Hello all parents You should reading this article | Its really great advice

the phycological effect is what we are supposed to consider

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You have posted so significant post on steemit. I am looking forward post like this. Thanks a lot.

In my opinion.
No one else couples in this world who want to split up. However, any divorce is not something that can be avoided if the time comes.

Usually, they will help or compel the couple whose problems to solve them.
Parents who get divorced are believed to bring psychic wound for the children in the household.

Sure, it's hard for children to understand the decision of the split were taken from their parents.
Then, it is not impossible kids will think they are guilty in that State.

Children are indeed often become the victim of a husband and wife relationship is not harmonious. No one can deny this, nor can avoid it.

The impact to the child is already a consequence of a decision taken a divorced parent, let alone they should look at prospective new mother, it was a very agonizing their heart.
However, parents can still minimize the adverse impact on the liver make their hearts.

Thanks my Teacher