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RE: Chill

in #chill7 years ago

Well written article @acidyo. The heat wave hmm it has like sent ripples through out this world and is particularly threatning the nature. Perhaps Vast forest fires in many countries have led to devastative effects and it also destructs the scenic views of an area. I was like really sad when heard of this news. The worst thing is that it is gonna last fro some periods more. Well i am really glad Finland has got some rain and the weather has vit back right a bit. Here we jave temperatures reaching 45°C. You know it will sound pretty massive to you coz you havent witnessed any like these but here it is just above the average. The video was great and i am too becoming abit jealous of Icleland. Hope this heat wave gets over soon and we get to see some chilled weather like that in Finland. You are really blessed. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work. I will pray and urge you guys to pray as well for this disaster to end.