China news roundup / Nachrichten 2018-04-27

in #china7 years ago

English news:

China waging 'psychological warfare' against Australia, US Congress told

"suspected Chinese operatives, carrying a suspected “sniffer” phone to intercept communications, have been caught loitering outside and trying to get into his office; Chinese students have been confronted going through his unmarked pigeon hole; and his computers have been infected with malware. Now, when he speaks at public event Hamilton is provided security guards."

--- The PRC doing this? Impossible. They would never interfere in other countries. Never. Ever.
China is always just a victim of evil, foreign, imperial dev... er ... gho... er... powers.

The Coming Clash Between China And India

"“Beijing’s miscalculations regarding India have created conflict with a regional power that has the capability and desire to disrupt China’s outward push,” explains Raffaello Pantucci in “China’s South Asian Miscalculation,” published recently in CURRENT HISTORY"

--- Nah, impossible. According to many China lovers I heard from, the PRC regime is extremely competent & never miscalculates.

US-Regierung ermittelt offenbar auch gegen Huawei

"Zuletzt hat die US-Politik ihre Gangart gegen Huawei verschärft. US-Geheimdienste und Bundesbehörden warnten eindringlich vor den chinesischen Herstellern. Mit Gesetzesinitiativen soll der Einsatz chinesischer Technik für kritische Infrastrukturen aus Sicherheitsgründen untersagt werden."

--- Da die chinesische Regierung bei so ziemlich allen Firmen, die im Bereich Kommunikation wichtig sind, einen Fuß in der Tür hat, durchaus verständlich. Die Europäer sollten da auch entsprechend vorsichtig sein.