English news:
China waging 'psychological warfare' against Australia, US Congress told
"suspected Chinese operatives, carrying a suspected “sniffer” phone to intercept communications, have been caught loitering outside and trying to get into his office; Chinese students have been confronted going through his unmarked pigeon hole; and his computers have been infected with malware. Now, when he speaks at public event Hamilton is provided security guards."
--- The PRC doing this? Impossible. They would never interfere in other countries. Never. Ever.
China is always just a victim of evil, foreign, imperial dev... er ... gho... er... powers.
The Coming Clash Between China And India
"“Beijing’s miscalculations regarding India have created conflict with a regional power that has the capability and desire to disrupt China’s outward push,” explains Raffaello Pantucci in “China’s South Asian Miscalculation,” published recently in CURRENT HISTORY"
--- Nah, impossible. According to many China lovers I heard from, the PRC regime is extremely competent & never miscalculates.
US-Regierung ermittelt offenbar auch gegen Huawei
"Zuletzt hat die US-Politik ihre Gangart gegen Huawei verschärft. US-Geheimdienste und Bundesbehörden warnten eindringlich vor den chinesischen Herstellern. Mit Gesetzesinitiativen soll der Einsatz chinesischer Technik für kritische Infrastrukturen aus Sicherheitsgründen untersagt werden."
--- Da die chinesische Regierung bei so ziemlich allen Firmen, die im Bereich Kommunikation wichtig sind, einen Fuß in der Tür hat, durchaus verständlich. Die Europäer sollten da auch entsprechend vorsichtig sein.
poor aussies