Look at the amazing comments of Indian netizens, that they are looking at China like this

in #china8 years ago


According to a new survey, 72% of Indians believe that border disputes with China may lead to military conflict. The majority of Indians (62%) see Pakistan as a major threat and see the threat of China and Al Qaeda as almost 30% and 28%, respectively.

The Pew Center launched a survey of their attitudes and forces against neighboring countries for 44 people, and the survey found that almost half of the Indians regarded the United States as the largest ally, followed by Russia (29%) and Unexpected Japan (26%). For those who see the United States as a declining country, it is clear that young people in India do not look at today's superpower. Nearly 60% of Indians in the 18-29 age group are highly recognized by the United States, compared with 47% of people over the age of 50. This phenomenon was replicated in Asia. 89% of Vietnamese young people recognized the United States, while the older generation of this ratio of 64%. In fact, the number of Indians who believe that China will replace the United States as a superpower is roughly the same as the number of opposing views.

India generally enjoys a favourable opinion, except in Pakistan. About 70 per cent of Bangladeshis polled approve of India, as compared to 30 per cent Chinese and 13 per cent Pakistanis. Other countries with favourable approval rating for India are Japan (63%), Vietnam (57%) and the US (55%).But in the past five years, world opinion of India plummeted sharply. Chinese negative views on India rose from 43% to 65%, in Pakistan from 50 to 71% and in the US from 14% to 30%.


As a viet guy livinng in los angles, i think india could be just as great as china, almost same population, india need to step up and take action, more money in military, sell weapon to vietnam, when war start vietnam will help out india, as china got the paki, india need vietnam.

yeah bro but every country nees to each other but public want to peace even pakistan and india public need peace and make brotherhood each other.

YOu cant have peace when china keep bullying you and keep taken your land, and put their oil rig in vietnam water, vietnam kill a few chinese and deport 3000 chinese out of vietnam 2 years ago.

no bro its not true...this is all media propoganda..

riot was all over the street, they burn down chinese factory in vietnam. We dont like chinese in vietnam.