How effective are the Chinese and Russian military, as a combat force

in #chinese6 years ago

Theoretically, the troops of Russia and China could destroy the world, but they do not need it. This goal is not set either by the Russian or Chinese military doctrine. You can only talk about the question, which of the armies and what strengths they have. By its structure, the number of troops and weapons, the Russian and Chinese armies can not be compared. Both armies have their own strengths.
First of all, in China, with a huge human resource and a large highly disciplined army, it can successfully operate in combat.Due to the availability of modern weapons, this army is not inferior to Russia and the United States. In the Russian army, the number of troops is smaller, but with rational tactics and modern weapons, the actions in combat are also effective. The leadership of the army quickly takes into account all the mistakes in previous military conflicts and try not to repeat them.
We used to have such an anecdote: "How to defeat the Russians?" "It's just that we must declare war, and we should not start the war itself." "And what?" "They will defeat themselves by checks and drills!"
A similar war is now going on with Ukraine. Russia does not fight, but Ukraine suffers defeat. There is one more modern joke; "Poroshenko asks the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian troops:" How are things going on the Donbas? "" We have losses, we have already lost 2 battalions! "" What about the Russians? "" And the Russians have not yet appeared ."This is certainly a joke, but how are we? they say: "There is a joke in every joke."
The events in Syria allowed the Russian army to conduct training for all the air force personnel, to test the future development of our weapons engineers in battle, to develop and test all possible tactical schemes in modern warfare. Americans, releasing a bottle of gin under the name of IGIL for a number of years could do nothing, even with the help of all the power of NATO. Russia was able to restore order in a short period.Everything would have been done even faster, had the united coalition forces led by the United States not interfered. In one of the old Russian songs were the words "We are peaceful people, but our armored train is on the siding."