Chinese girl is in Cambodia. 中国女孩行走在吴哥窟

in #chinese7 years ago

If Angkor Wat brings shock to me is the first impression, then the understanding of Angkor is more reflected in its folk customs and streets. Siem Reap is a magical city. Although the city is small, the city is very inclusive and always has a variety of people and faces. Many backpackers traverse another continent from one continent, just for a glimpse of Angkor Wat.
暹粒这个城市有一条酒吧街,每个酒吧都是很随意的摆放着几张桌子在户外。酒吧街上有很多亚洲面孔,其中一家Banana的酒吧最为火爆。因为它的歌手很棒,而且歌手会几首中文歌曲,这对于身在异乡的中国人来说是很大的安慰 。而且这边最有名的啤酒要属于Angkor beer 。坐在街边,点一瓶啤酒,静静地听着音乐,你一定不会忘记这种惬意的感觉。
There is a bar street in the city of Siem Reap. Each bar is a casual place with several tables outdoors. There are many Asian faces on the bar street, and one of Banana's bars is the hottest. Because singers are great, and the singers can sing several Chinese songs, this is a great comfort for Chinese in a foreign land.And the most famous beer here is Angkor beer. Sitting on the street, tapping a bottle of beer, listening to music quietly, you will not forget this feeling of wantonness.
顺便提一下,这边竟然有hard rock cafe,乐队还是一如既往的棒,食物也是别有一番风味。我和朋友点了一杯啤酒,然后就这样沉浸在了摇滚的世界中。
By the way, there was a hard rock cafe on this side, and the band was as good as it always was. I ordered a beer with my friend and then I was immersed in the rock world.
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至于我们的晚餐呢,由于最近一直在吃东南亚的菜,很想换个新口味,所以我们去了一家中国餐厅,位置比较难找,但是菜一上桌 我们立刻就明白了一切的等待都是值得的。原汁原味的中国菜,感觉比国内大多数餐厅做的都要好吃。我们要了两个菜,一碗面条,差不多15美元的样子,真的觉得好吃,全部都吃光了。下面大家可以看图感受。
As for our dinner, because we have been eating dishes from Southeast Asia recently, we would like to change our tastes. So we went to a Chinese restaurant and it was hard to find. However, as soon as the dishes are on the table, we immediately understand that all waiting is worth it. The authentic Chinese cuisine feels better than most domestic restaurants do. We asked for two dishes, a bowl of noodles, almost 15 dollars, really feel good. we have eated all of it. Here is pics .
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Hello everyone, I am a Chinese girl who loves to travel .l am Momo, if you like my article, please give me a thumb up. If you like to travel too, follow me. The travel of Cambodia is still to be continued.bold


This is so cool. I hope you can show more of your trip. The food looks good. Have fun!