In these days as in the effect of the purple elephant or as other call it the baader-Meinhof phenomenon, I hear more and more about the possibility of the extinction of cacao plants.
Climate on earth is changing believe it or not, and this will change a lot things in our life.
The Cocoa is a "spoiled" susceptible plant and needs specific conditions for it's growth.
These changes like of a higher temperature affect the cacao crop yield and harvests could be completely wiped out within 30 years as per the prophets of wrath (?)

Mars, a company behind some of the world’s most popular chocolate products, with the help of the university of California researchers that are using the gene-editing technology CRISPR are trying to breed new cacao plants which will thrive warmer climate and this could be a real relief not only for chocolate addicted.
GMOs may be able to bring a new resistable plant but the question if the taste will be the same ? Chocolate is a complex food, containing hundreds of different flavor components so it is a big challenge.
Meanwhile, we face already a chocolate shortage, also due to demands of rapidly growing populations of chocolate lovers in China and India.
Can you imagine a world without chocolate?

So many desserts will vanish a way from our sweets list, party table will look different, no candies, no soufflés, no bonbonniere and what's more ? Chocolate cakes, hot cocoa drink in cold evening winters…
What's more most important thing is if I feel sad how will I cheer up ?

Actually, I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow. I'm gone with the wind, all what I need now is a cube of chocolate, could you bring me one? Thank you my dear Scarlett !

מארס, חברה שמאחוריה כמה ממוצרי השוקולד הפופולאריים בעולם, בעזרת חוקרים מהאוניברסיטה של קליפורניה, שמשתמשת בטכנולוגיית CRISPR לעריכת גנים, מנסים לגדל צמחי קקאו חדשים, אשר ישגשגו באקלים חם יותר. זו יכולה להיות הצלה ולא רק מכורים לשוקולד.
הנדסה גנטית יכולה לייצר צמח עמיד ומותאם חדש אבל השאלה היא אם הטעם יהיה זהה?
שוקולד הוא מזון מורכב, המכיל מאות של רכיבי טעם שונים ולכן האתגר גדול.
בינתיים, כבר מתפתח בעולם מחסור בשוקולד, גם בשל הדרישות העולות במהירות הולכת וגוברת של אוהבי שוקולד בסין ובהודו.
מישהו יכול לדמיין עולם ללא שוקולד?
עולם שבו קינוחים רבים כל כך ייעלמו מרשימת המתוקים שלנו, שולחן המסיבה ייראה אחרת, לא סוכריות, לא סופלה, לא בונבוניירות.
ומה עוד? עוגות שוקולד, משקה קקאו חם בערבי חורף קרים ...מה שחשוב יותר הוא אם אני מרגישה עצוב איך אתעודד?

למעשה, אני לא יכולה לחשוב על זה עכשיו. אם אעשה זאת, אשתגע. אני אחשוב על זה מחר. אני נעלמת עם הרוח, כל מה שאני צריכה עכשיו הוא קוביית שוקולד, את יכול להביא לי אחת? תודה סקרלט יקירתי !
Hi, half your post is ina foreign language? Or is it repeating what you’ve said in English? As you probably know raw cocoa is an extremely good food and this development tells me somebody doesn’t want us eating healthy food and getting rid of it. Also there is no cl8mate change, also they can’t patent cocoa but they can patent gmo cocoa. Just like corn, cotton etc. AND all of a sudden I can’t get my good quality vitamins, s9ld out for ages, my regular organic seed co has been bought out so I guess they’re covering every base. Cheerful hey. Not to worry, how much real cocoa isn’t in mainstream chocolate anyway? 😊 Anyway on the bright side I saw the sun today, briefly, so that’s made me smile.
It is repeating....:-)
Forgot to say that I am also not enthusiastic from GMO solutions.
Hi.. You saw the sun and we got here a storm bet let's be postive anyway...
I don't think we could live without chocolate but right now I choose the dark one!
The dark one is the real one...:-)
Probably, but why would we want to?
Thanks for your support and comment. No we don't, it seems we are obliged, our world is changing, also in the small things like chocolate...
Doctor said, keep away yourself from chocolate!! But when i see my kids eating chocolate..i say " please give me have bit"!!!! Lolxxxxx
Yes, chocolate is addicting...and "in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in
your years.” it was said by someone famous who I don't remember now :-)
So what will happen?
When growers start growing new productive varieties, we will make chocolate what we did to tomatoes, what we did to fly, what we did to strawberries, we will turn them into plastic. It's the most frightening
Chocolate will taste weaker, milky, and especially chocolate lovers will plan in the coming years to spend a lot more money.
Absolutely frightening...wondering who is going to save us from ouselves ?
I can't live without chocolate. I eat a few squares of Vegan Dark Chocolate with Hulled Hemp Seeds almost everyday. So good for your body.
What's the need of hulled hemp seeds?