This is Really the Point of My Life

in #chose8 years ago

I'm in a leadership program which requires that I create a project. My project is a documentary showing that the IRS perverts human cooperation by misapplying the tax law. I don't mean that a documentary about taxation in the United States is the point of my life. Rather, the point of my life is that I am the possibility of replacing the strategy of fear and punishment with a strategy that is more aligned with the goals we all share. Perhaps a few don't share them, but they only matter today because there aren't enough of us making them not matter any more. This is why we are needed.

CHOSE is an acronym for Cooperative Humanity's Ongoing Social Efforts. That's the shortest description of the point of my life that I've been able to make. Replacing the strategy of fear and punishment with something more like voluntaryism is a necessary piece of it.

If CHOSE is the point of your life too, and I suggest that it is, then our next big task is something that Justin Greiss recently wrote to me because he's marketing for Young Americans for Liberty: "Dave, I'd love to set up a consultation with you and get you on track for a career in liberty." I replied that I have a few already, and invited him to check out CHOSE.

Can a kickstarter for $500 support me for the rest of my life? Yes, it can, and I can do that with $500 because it shows me that people are on my side and care about this effort, and because I find ways to make money that don't require generosity, but only enlightened self-interest. A friend suggested that the same demonstration is available through SteemIt, so here I am.

In fact, I think that you also are already in a career that advances liberty. You don't use force or threats or punishments to earn money, do you? No, and so you are an example of a voluntaryist. You are someone who respects property rights and chooses to negotiate rather than going to war. You remain vigilant for opportunities to help move other people toward voluntaryism and away from the strategy of fear and punishment.

You can visit (yes, that's a real URL) to see the Wiki I just created for CHOSE. You can add to it or edit it. You are human, you cooperate, and your interest in inspiring others to do the same is probably very high, so have it, my friends.

Lastly, remember to share CHOSE (The Kickstarter, My blog posts about it, or the Wiki) with others. I recently learned the phrase "touch, move, and inspire," which describes an excellent strategy to mobilize our species into this shift.


Wow Great Work, the world is heading to liberty , its should have been liberalism from the very beginning.