Film Review: Chris Pemisworth in Extraction


Meh shallow popcorn fun. Sooo many glitches in terms of, "Wait this Special Forces Guy, Ranger, Seal, Advanced Boyscout, Space Cadet, or whatever does sooo much stupid shit." But I'll judge it on what it was trying to be and who it was catering to and say it felt like a 6.5 to 7.

You see most conflicts coming a mile away. No one runs out of bullets. Both Chris and his nemesis have a neverending fight that includes getting hit by cars and vans at like 35 mph head on and getting up to fight more, take more deep knife cuts, and insults to their masculinity. Typical shallow mercenary-for-hire type stuff, including - yep - explosions. Do people really dig explosions? Har har I hear the jokes coming.

Who is giving "tactics" advice nowadays? If they hired me, I'd be like, "Have him use a meteor storm spell on the enemy stronghold and end this shit before it starts."

Here is an example of the innanity: Bad guys chasing you (you are him and may I say you look mahvelous?) and the kid he rescued. You drop down into a sewer with the kids, make appropriate disgusted noises, and start moving but you can see there are many grates above them that enemy troops and vehicles are moving along-side and over in search. So... do you?

(a) Pull out Mjolnir and shout, "For the power of Grayskull!"...

(b) Shine flashlight all over the sewer tunnel so the reflections shine right up out of the grate for enemy to see.

(c) Call MoneyPenny to ask for advice?

(d) Other?

There are more examples but I know not to give humans too many choices nowadays.