The impact of internet on our social, educational, business life etc is one that cannot be over emphasized, the amazing transformation experience over the years by different people and society to make information available, connect with individuals and make money is one that is highly commendable, in all this opportunities presented to us in today’s world of internet many don’t take it beyond social aspect. A quick question will be, how do you leverage on this amazing opportunity to make money or let say, how will you leverage on this opportunity to make your product known?
Looking at some social media daily all I see is millions of naira wasting away without people doing nothing about it, in the first chapter of this book, I introduce us to a very fundamental principle we should pay attentions to. I made it clear why you need to create a product on social media and educate yourself richly on what you came up with. To take it further let us look into some basic things or advantages the internet can offer you in making your business move a step forward.
Starting with some popular social Medias like facebook, twitter and some chatting platforms like watsap, telegram etc. you can further add Instagram to the a man that want to make money on internet, this platform should be seen as your market place or let say, a platform to sell yourself.
The first task here is how to connect with people, connection is very important because people are going to be the audience you are selling to. Let me give you some clue on this. Many a time some do make a grave mistake by pushing their products forward first, I will advise you don’t do that, learn to form connection before selling anything to anyone. As a matter fact your wall should speak for itself without you forcing anything on anybody. If you visit any of my social platforms, I don’t need to tell you am a writer, is obvious on all my platforms. When you meet people for the very first time either you send them friend request or they did, form friendship and strong relationship. Don’t send them away by your desperate attitude towards selling anything or making them see what you do.
A step further will be increasing your friendship level, this is not an easy task I must confess. But there is a strategy to it. For the past few years I hardly send friend request yet I receive friend request on daily basis, many which came as recommendation from friends to friends who visit my wall or meet me somehow. Why and how do they come to know about me? I have some information on my wall and their friends call them to come and take a look, with that I have people running to my wall daily. This means if you are consistent about your job on daily basis you will surely get recommendations from people and many will like to associate with you.
One key to getting this done is to make your wall a place to market your products, if you are baker for instance, when I visit your wall I should see something about baking in at least nine out of ten post you have on your wall. Is very important you note this. I should be so used to it to a point that when someone ask me about baking your name should come to mind without stress. This means that all your social media should say something about what you are doing on daily basis. Instead of your personal daily pictures on Instagram “is not bad thou” why not make it full of your products or services? Unless you are a model or try to be one, I don’t know why you need much of your picture on platforms that you suppose to take advantage for your business. Even when you put your personal pictures, still look for a way to make it say something about what you know how to do.
Finally on this note, creating a good impression and services is also important. Learn to create a good content online, make your pictures of high quality, present yourself in acceptable manner and learn to respect people on your wall. Also learn to deal with criticism and people’s opinion, it is not everyone that will definitely agrees with you. Some might even show up to correct your English and many things, learn to cope with them, they are potential destiny helpers who can push you further or down in your line of trade.
Having learnt all this, start another assignment by thinking of what to do with the internet daily in order to improve what you know how to do. Don’t forget you are to connect with people by your level of consistency and constant improvement, learn to present your content well on social media and always make your media platforms say something about what you know how to do.
In the next chapter I will take my time to talk about decentralized and centralized social media platforms, a look at steemit and facebook, twitter and youtube. I will explain few things in my opinion and allow you deal with the rest of it. This is an attempt towards the money aspect of social media and other hidden information we should pay attentions to.
Am Ajibola Durojayeola Philip (ADP)
A preacher, writer, business consultant and farmer
Leader @ phenomenal impact organization
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