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RE: Psalm 24:4-5

in #christ7 years ago (edited)

An interesting quote.

Do you find it sad that many read such quotes, yet fail to actually understand the meaning?

So many of us shoot messengers rather than reading the content.

Imagine if HE was actually trying to communicate to us, how
would or could HE if we were to stubborn to actually listen?


Most are too stubborn to listen. That's why the world is in the state it is now, sadly

The state it is in?
Sure beats hell! (although that isn't a bad place to be, I've heard :-) )
And it's not WW3 yet !

Outing those that need to be cast out takes skill, if war to be avoided.
HE has a lot of skill & a lot of friends, growing by the day from what I see.
Just not those you might expect!

"Those that are dead in HIM".. translated ..... "the non-believers will be awoken FIRST"

It is real, it is happening, it is Now. IMHO.
I'd suggest people prepare for the biggest shock the world has seen, is my tip :-)