DEVOTIONAL: vision!! Key to destiny impact 1

For all the land which thou seest, to thee will i give it and to thy seed for ever.
-Genesis 13:14-15

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Vision is the key to entering new realms and levels in destiny. God uses vision to delivery your future into your hands.

"And he dreamed yet another dream, anf told it his brethen, and said behold, i have dreamed a dream more; and behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me"
- Genesis 37:9

Vision provides a platform for divine intervention i life and destiny . Vision opens a way out of stagnation and frustration.

The effort invested in securing a vision will compensate you with grace for destiny advancement. Any vision you service ans sustain will serve and establish your dwstiny. Secure your vision today and you will harvest promotion tomorrow. The force of vision sponsors and sustain impact.

Let consider joseph and how he commanded destiny impart via vision:

  • Capacity for solidity and stability deapite calamity. "... His arms are made strong. He get his power from the mighty God of jacob and his strength from the shepherd, the rock of isreal"( Genesis49:24 NCV).Nothing can break down a man whi is being sustained by a destiny vision.

  • Maintenance of focus and direction despite distraction. "But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness I pray thee, unto me and make mention of me unto Pharao, and bring me out of this house"(Genesis 40:14)

  • Filled with positive faith and motivation in the face of negative situation . A positive vision establishes a positive mindset and deliver a positive outcome irrespective of negative experiences or situations.
  • From being the least qualified, he became the most celebrated. "But don't feel badly, don't blame yourself for selling me. God was behinf it. God sent me ahead of you to save lives"(Genesis 45:5 MSG). From a salve, he became forwmost prince in Egypt.

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Vision guarantee a life of impact. A life of impact is a life of inspiration and vision is key to inspiration. Pray and seek God for vision for impact. Write down all your visions continually for clarity.

Prayer focus:

Father i receive your vision for my life. By vision i receive my change of level in the name of Jesus.

Study focus:
Genesia 37 & 39.

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