Jesus Is Alive!

in #christian-trail7 years ago

Skærmbillede 2018-02-19 kl. 17.16.34.png

Death is not what it has been! When Jesus left the open grave easter morning, the world was new and different.

We often hear: "One thing is certain: we all gonna die!" (as if death always has the last word!). But in fact, this is not as safe as many people expect. Death is no longer what it has been. Not since Jesus.

When Jesus left the open grave easter morning, the world was new and different. Death was overcome, beaten and defeated. Jesus blasted death from within. Therefore, we also call Easter Sunday for "the day the death died".

Jesus' resurrection is not just a beautiful picture, a myth or a sympathetic story. It is a historical event, witnessed and documented. (cf. 1 Corinthians 15, 3-9) Everything in Christianity stands and falls with this event. If it has not really taken place, then the Bible is false and Christianity deception. Paulus says so: "If Christ has not risen, our sermon is empty, and your faith is also empty. We also come to be false witnesses of God because we have testified against God that he has raised Christ" ( 1 Cor 15:14-15) and a little later, he continues: "Have we alone in this life put our hope to Christ, we are the most gracious of all men." (v. 19)

But Paul continues triumphantly: But now Christ has risen from the dead as the firstfruits of those who have slept. Because death came by a human being, also the resurrection of the dead has come by a human being. (v. 20-21) Just because Jesus has defeated death and still lives, today he can give eternal life to all who believe in him. In faith in Jesus, we are connected with him so that he can guide us through death and into eternal life. However, without Jesus, death still has the last word to say.



It is said that he is alive in the soul of each one of us.

he is - as long as we are born again. :)

This is a very vital incident where christianity is birthed. Because without the death of christ Jesus on the cross we would remain unforgiven for the sin of Adam and Eve.

But thanks be to God for giving us his son Jesus Christ who took our place and chose to die for our forgiveness and redemption through his blood shed on the cross.

A clap offering to you @bibizzle for this great message. It has been such a great blessing to my soul.

God bless you abundantly with more revelations in his word.

Yes, i love this:

We often hear: "One thing is certain: we all gonna die!" (as if death always has the last word!). But in fact, this is not as safe as many people expect. Death is no longer what it has been. Not since Jesus.

The concept is simply this: JESUS "DIED" BUT JESUS IS NOT DEAD!

Resurrection is the core of Christianity, we weren't anything without it.

People try to ignore death, but it is so there and life is so short, the wisest thing is to think of it right now, and find shelter in Christ.

I agree with you, the resurrection of Jesus made death be seen in another way.

Sometimes I think Jesus may be living in the blockchain.

If Christ had not risen, our faith would be in vain. Very good content, very well written and logically expressed.


Christ died for our sins that we through His blood will live forever because death was defeated when He rose on the third day. Halleluyah.
Great post @bibizzle

You are right sister @bibizzle! People are always afraid to die as if it is the end of life. Which is not so death is only a path way to our home. As a christian to heaven but as an unbeliever eternal to hell. The kind of life we live on earth depend if we should be afraid of death or not.

@Bibizzle The souls do not die and come to the world again. The faith of Jesus will save us on the Day of Resurrection.

very good post..
thanks for sharing @bibizzle

With Jesus life after death is sure.


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I think one of the biggest breakthroughs that any human can experience, is not just believing that Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead, BUT living in the full revelation of what the implication of this truly means for each one of us.

Agree...but... to understand an even greater depth and magnitude of Jesus' death, I would encourage you to look into the feasts of God, particularly Passover, and Feast of Firstfruits. There is such beauty in God's prophetic feasts and Jesus' fulfillment of them, and so much edification in understanding the connections.

Good post. In preparation for Easter?

Oh Yes! JESUS is alive and He lives inside of me

I know it

I believe it!

The death of Jesus on the cross of calvary made us to be released from the captivity of the devil. We now have the power to overcome sin and even overcome the devil. In other words, the legal right the devil had over us has been broken.

Goodbye Death .... Hello Life Eternal!