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RE: Open Church: where all are welcomed

Heres hopefully a Word of encouragement - to all my friends that have a desire to engage the hurting and broken that are far from God - way to go - my exhortation would be that you would be careful of using any sort of strategy -that maybe a track, or model to share the Gospel. Those can become crutches - instead, as you go ask Jesus how you can love the people in front of you or the people He has put in your heart.

He's the one thats moving through you - and from what I see in the life of Jesus he healed three different blind people three different ways. Invited some to sell everything, invited others to stay and minister where they were...there was no method to Jesus' "outreach model"

He did what His Father was doing, almost always unique, and always exactly what the person/people needed...

He's called us to do the same.

Please be bold with the Gospel - but do your best not to rely on a method but on Holy Spirit



Great point. Thanks for sharing.