I affirm that I am
God’s choice and He has granted me insight and foresight into the realities of the Kingdom. I am rooted and grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to failure or defeat. My way is paved by the Lord; I walk in preordained pathways, conscious of my calling as a minister of reconciliation. My mind is anointed to think the “God-kind” of thoughts. As I meditate on God’s Word, I build a wealth of thoughts that keep me in the arena of glory, health, and prosperity, causing me to live the best life here on earth. I am full of the Spirit. Hallelujah! I have received not the spirit of this world, but the spirit, which is of God; that I may know the things that are freely given unto me of God. Which things also I speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches. Hallelujah! I am a Joint-heir with Christ; the seed of Abraham and the whole world belongs to me. Nothing is permitted to happen to me by chance! Everywhere I go, I make things happen. I am not the poor trying to get rich but I am the rich discovering what belongs to me in Christ Jesus. Glory to God. Hallelujah
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Wow. That's all so ridiculous. You're immune to failure or defeat? Go spend all your money on lottery tickets!
It should be obvious that if you really were as spiritual as you claim you wouldn't have so many false statements in it in the first place.