What would Jesus do? Should you always do what Jesus would have done?

in #christian-trail7 years ago

Sometimes. Sometimes you need to do what Jesus would have told you to do. Jesus never asked anybody to die with him. So obviously Jesus did not always want you to do what he did. Did you know he endured poverty so that we would not have to suffer poverty? So don't be poor. He would tell you to be rich! Jesus was God and came here to set us free. He sometimes lived very different than he wants us to. Sometimes Jesus did set examples. His biggest was loving us. He said, "Love one another as I have loved you." Really get into the gospel if you want to learn how Jesus lived and how he wanted us to live. The apostle Paul often referred to the gospel in teaching how to live. Don't suffer what Jesus did. He did that for you so you wouldn't have to. In Genesis God said, "Be fruitful and multiply.". That's what your suppose to do. Not live in poverty and die. I just wanted to help you discern between what God was doing and what he wants us to do. We're not him and to ask, "what would Jesus do?" is not always what we should ask but rather, "what would Jesus want me to do.". Several times I have been in a situation where I knew I shouldn't do what Jesus would have done. I'm not him and I'm not anointed to do some of the things he would have done. We can fast and pray and do a lot, probably most of the things Jesus has done, he does want us to do that. Just listen to him, he'll tell you exactly what to do! I just wanted to shed some light on that. There is a time for everything. May the Holy Spirit guide you, in Jesus name I pray, amen.


Well, Jesus said it is easier for a rich man to get through the eye of a needle than the gates of Heaven. So he doesn't want us to be rich. He wants us to be humble and said the rich should give their money to the poor. Store your treasures in Heaven, not on earth.

That scripture is referring to a passage that one would have take the bags off of a camel to get through. He was more referring to greed. You have to let go of your money when it is time to. Say to feed the poor. It's ok to be rich as long as you do good with it. It's actually Gods will. You will store treasure in heaven that way. What I am saying is don't give all of your riches away because then you become the poor. See God does want you to be rich. If he didn't, why would he tell the rich to give to the poor? The poor need to become rich so they can help other poor people and so on until everybody is rich. If there weren't greedy horders there would be plenty enough riches for everybody. Nobody would be poor. The greedy rich is who Jesus spoke of. Not the rich in general. Be rich so you can bless others in need and you'll have your treasures in heaven. If your not rich you can't do any good to earn any treasure in heaven. Remember when Jesus filled Peters nets completely full of fish? What do you think they did with the fish? Sold them for money!!! On earth is it is in heaven, the first line of Jesus's model prayer right?. There's mansions in heaven. There's streets of gold buddy!!! It's ok be rich!

I have to disagree with that. Storing your treasures in Heaven and not on earth is referring to not buying luxury things that we don't need and give the money to the poor instead. He didn't specify greedy rich people, He only said rich people in general.

This is why there are so many different religions and beliefs.