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I think it's slightly unkind, to say the least, to revert to name calling when someone disagrees with your interpretation of inerrant. I realize you didn't write the article, though, so I'm not calling you unkind. However, a few things to consider, in answer to the concluding bullets:

-All of the scriptures quoted in this article can be interpreted to mean something other than what this article is claiming they mean.
-There are no existing copies, so this view of inerrant means that there isn't a single bible on earth that can be trusted
-There were church fathers all the way back who held different interpretations of inerrant.
-There are no surviving originals, again.

The Bible was written by men, and inspired by God. As a joint venture, there is no reason to assume that man couldn't have made small mistakes. For instance: ancient man thought the world was flat, and we now know it isn't. The bible clearly states the world is flat, so what do you do with that?

As to Genesis, believing in a strictly literal interpretation ignores a whole lot of internal and external evidence that they weren't intended to be taken that way, but that's another matter entirely.


Thank you for your comment. Which verse in the Bible says the earth is flat!

The whole bible assumes a flat earth. Honestly, google it and you'll come up with a treasure trove of flat earth arguments made from the bible. I'm not going to make you a list, but here's a short video made by biblical scholar explaining how the ancient israelites viewed cosmology.

And one much more in depth:

And here's someone on Youtube who builds a case for a flat earth from 75 bible verses.

@garthfreeman, I was born into Protestantism and later in my life became a Baptist. I did this Bibleschool training and I believe what they taught. I am not big into science, I concern myself to be ready when Jesus comes again. You are free to interpret the Bible and I am free to interpret the Bible. I believe like a child. I looked at your blog and will follow you, if I am not mistaken we are both children of our Heavenly Father. May you be blessed!

Thanks for your kind words. It's exactly this kind of grace towards each other that I am arguing for. I really dislike all the name-calling and labeling between brothers and sisters when relatively minor disagreements occur. God bless you as well, and have a great day!