It is wrong to appear something that we are not.
The Christian's life must be a model that others can imitate because it reflects Christ, his Image, His likeness, his Character, his essence.
The Masks are easy to put on; for a moment dance, drink, smoke, and at another time raise your hands to Pray, cry while we sing in the church; It is not right to do that.
Ephesians 4:22 teaches us: "With regard to the life they once led, they were taught that they should take off the clothing of the old nature, which is corrupted by deceptive desires;"
We must take off the clothes of the old man and put on the new life that God grants.
"be renewed in the attitude of your mind; and put on the clothing of the new nature, created in the image of God, in true justice and holiness." Ephesians 4: 23-24
It is urgently needed Pure Men and Women, Living the Gospel of Truth and not with Masks.
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