Who I am: one of steemit's Christian warriors

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Fellow Christians

I am a Spiritual Warrior. A Christian warrior. Jesus Christ is my master and my inspiration. I am not worthy of his Name - I am one of His humble knights, my head bowed in His holy service.

I am not a member of any secret society or church - these are my own words. I work alone in Jesus' name. My name, handmaiden, signifies purity, humility and service in Christ.

I was raised in Roman Catholicism. Age 15 to 35 I was agnostic and lived the fullest life in ignorance. Aged 35, I entered the new age. Ten years later, I came out of it - and found Jesus.

I would not dwell on evil but have seen too much unfold. Humanity is in danger - if there are “endtimes” then they are impending.

We are locked into a spiritual battle between good and evil.

This battle is playing out all around us, including on the blockchain. Headlining at Steemfest 2017 in Lisbon, there was a representative of the Satanic Temple.

Yet not one Christian!

One of steemit's new agey influencers was promoting a “Vice Industry” token. And that is not for me or mine - I reject that filth and degradation and the suffering it imposes on others.

I do not judge these ignorant people - that is for God to do. And steemit is not about clashing swords. But before it is too late, I step out fully armed into the Christian Trail as a warrior of Christ to help counteract these currents. These are some of my weapons:


Every day I will be posting one or two prayers in the sure knowledge that they will be spreading the love of God and Christ on the blockchain in however small a way.


I will be using the tiny amount of steem I have to upvote other Christians, particularly those in developing countries in need of real-world financial assistance.


I will be using my time to post encouraging comments to God's hardworking Christian children as I aim to build my/our force for GOOD.


I will be using my words to expose evil. Not to spread fear but I have found material on Facebook that I wish to share with fellow Christians as a warning against deceptions to come.

Blessings to you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ - I hope that there is a place for me in steemit's eclectic Christian community