
in #christian-trail7 years ago

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There are places in this world that we can compare to a paradise. A place that no one can harm you nor touch you. Places that our eyes appreciate because of its beauty. But I tell you; beauty fades, luxury fades. Why? Because they are all temporary. They do not last.
Why do we close our eyes when we dream? Why do we close our eyes when we cry? Why do we close our eyes when we imagine? Because the most beautiful things in this world are unseen.

Hebrews 12:2 says:

We must believe that there is a place above that is incomparable with what we see here on earth. Do not be deceived by the things that are seen, rather, believe and hope on things that are unseen.

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Amen. Holding on to the things unseen.

That's faith comes in the bible.thanks for saying amen.. Hope you follow me...