I suppose sometimes when we forgot how much He has done for us out of love, or how we lost that sense of gratefulness we tend to distance ourselves from the presence of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Sometimes I too shy away from His presence especially I unconsciously looked upon myself too much instead of beholding His love and His finished work; and that is when we tend to fall off into the darkness and struggle until we realise we truly need to dwell with Him and let Him dwell with us.
(Looking at Adam and Eve seems like a classic example)
Great sharing @seekgod ! I am looking forward for your series in the days to come!
Thanks @littlenewthings... it's true to every one of us isn't it. We often shy away just like Adam and Eve as they sinned against God.
I'm reminded today that God doesn't see our sins, He sees JESUS in us... that's why we are accepted and can STAND in His Presence.