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RE: To Comment...or not: An observation.

in #christian-trail7 years ago

I apologize for taking a few days to respond! It takes me two days to get ready for Sabbath currently...part of raising a houseful of toddlers.

Your posts are valuable because you can call attention to things that you know from experience aren't innocent that would be easy for me to pass up as innocent. While I think many of us have had our unrealizing brushes with the occult, you knew what you were looking at because that's where you wanted to be at the time.

If you've told this story and I've missed it, I apologize: but hearing how you came from occult to belief in YHVH to something of a messianic or whole Bible understanding (versus more standard Christianity) would be really interesting to hear. My husband came to belief in God and then to a whole-Bible approach all at once, for instance, but I was raised in a believing home that gradually began realizing there were things we needed to remember like keeping the Sabbath and eating the way God commanded.

Hearing how people discover God and the way they've gotten to know him is always wonderful. It's a little different than "I was saved on October 15, 1978". It's more like, "I met my wife when we were both at a party and I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the room".

I'm also always interested in hearing the "secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven" that people have come to understand, things that make God's way narrow and hard to find.

These are kind of broad topics, asked! :)


There is no need to apologize for anything. I hope I haven’t given the wrong impression in regards to commenting. I would hate for people to think that I am demanding readers comment on my posts. That is not the case. I deserve nor are worthy of anything. I give all the glory to Him. I wouldn’t be writing the things I write without Him. All praise goes to the King.

I believe a majority of people have “brushes” with the occult. Some intentionally and some not intentional. It’s all deception whether intentional or not. The Luciferian agenda is hidden in plain sight. It’s in children’s cartoons, movies, and music. It’s our ignorance of such things that get us in trouble and trapped. Some readers may believe that I focus too much attention on darkness. I can see that, but how else can we wage effective warfare if we do not know the battleplan of the enemy? And if that is something one believes a follower of Yeshua shouldn’t be concerned about, I disagree 100%. We have an enemy and the enemy wants nothing more than to destroy you.

I tried my best to lay it all out in my testimony, which I know is super long but it had to be. It is difficult for me to throw out a few words and have the reader “get-it”. Know what I mean? We have stories to tell and none are more important than the other. Some are more interesting, I must admit, but not more important. When I came into the fold, I was truly a new creature; a real baby in the faith. However, my hunger was so great that I was not long on the milk. I went from baby to toddler very quickly. And like a toddler, I wanted to get into EVERYTHING! Next thing I know the Pastor is talking to me about ministry and preaching! Whoa! I grew up very quickly even bypassing some who have been warming a pew for 30 years and who were raised in the “Church”. I was on fire. My most passionate prayer to my King has been to reveal deception to me and help me to spiritually discern no matter how ugly. I hated the thought of being deceived so much that I was angry about it. I had been deceived for so long that it became my mission to wage war against it. In a nutshell, that’s how I moved beyond just doing “church” to understanding that I am the Church, i.e. a set-apart one. We are the Church. The Church is not a building or institution. It’s you and me. It grew from there. Perhaps I will pickup where I left off in my testimony and bring it forward, because it hasn’t been an easy road. The enemy is subtle. The adversary will do everything to trip you up in your walk with Messiah if he views you as a threat.

Many believers claim to believe in the fullness of the Word, but I learned after years of walking with Him that they really do not. They focus their attention on one-third of the Word and ignore two-thirds of it and then claim to understand the fullness of it. Impossible! There are Hebraic idioms present in the New Covenant writings. There are Aramaic idioms present. There are subjects discussed in the New Covenant writings that can only be understood by reading the other two-thirds of the Word. And Paul, man o’ man, the letters of Paul. He is the most misunderstood Apostle of them all. Why? Because he had the toughest mission field to tame. We read his letters 2000 years removed from his point of view and have created doctrines based off of his so-called theology. Look, even Peter said he was difficult to understand for crying out loud! What makes us think we have his theology pinned down? Newsflash! His “theology” was not anti-Hebraic nor was it anti-Torah. He had to go head-to-head with Pagans who understood NOTHING of YHWH let alone Yeshua. He did the best he could by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. I suppose I could write some on that, but man what a subject.

Still a wonderful work in progress. He truly is worthy of all praise and glory. Getting to know Him comes through prayer and witnessing. He gives us the undeserved opportunity to be apart of His will and see Him work. It’s awesome!

Thank you very much for commenting and bringing up some great points! It really gets my mind going. Bless the Most High!

I think you and my husband Ben might've been twins separated at birth or something. This whole post sounds like him. He even ends so many of his posts with "Bless the Most High!"

He still didn't manage to get quite as deeply involved with occultic things, but his progress in belief was very, very similar to yours, right down to his pastor wanting him to get involved in teaching after he'd been a believer for less than a year. He is still on fire like that, though these days we have a lot of energy going into our children and less into writing and researching.

The writings of Paul become a sorer sticking point as time goes by, mostly because it's galling how completely misunderstood they are and how difficult it is to unlearn the twisting of them that seems to get into everything.

I remember reading the testimony you posted earlier, but I don't remember the whole progression from coming to belief to coming to Torah. I should go back and look!

You're very welcome and it'll be good to see what thoughts come to post out of this.

I'm only familiar with Marcione in passing, enough to recognize his teaching laced throughout the church today. What's amazing is that if most Christians heard the whole of what he had to say, they would be horrified (I think). And yet here we are, putting his twisting of the Scripture into everyday use.

Well, you and Ben are sort of fellowshipping through me reading your posts aloud. He's @ironshield.

Our three daughters and our son are our biggest commission by a long, long shot, and their different characters and development take up the core of our concentration every day. Failure isn't an option here and it's not a place for sloppy Godliness.

Thank you for continuing to post!

You familiar with Marcion of Sinope? Once you learn about him, you will understand what we are dealing with and why there is a misunderstanding of the Old and New. There are Marcionites running around everywhere and they don't even know it. In fact, I personally know of some that have stepped away from their first love and have gone after Marcionism. Of course, to bring that up to them is met with sharp rebuke, because they still claim to serve Yeshua/Jesus. Perhaps a post is in the works...

I would like to fellowship with your husband. We do sound alike. It's because we serve the same King. We're all growing together in this. And as far as focusing on our children, that's what we are supposed to do. My son's are my immediate ministry. They are very different and have different levels of understanding. I have to trust the process of sowing and reaping.

Again, THANK YOU for being so gracious and blessing me with your comments. Shalom!

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