now i love to read romans because i believe it gives the clearest definitions of grace, love, and salvation. I see that when you are living righteously, there is no need for the law, because those who exist and practice love perfectly will never transgress against God, themselves, or other people
the reason that the law was given was to show people how far they were from God's standards, to give them a chance to realize their sinful nature and to repent and to seek the Lord for deliverance. The Lord gave the jews the priest and sacrifice system to cover their transgressions until Jesus Christ came to earth to show us who God is and how we were to live our lives, and it is only by the shedding of His Blood can we be forgiven by God and made whole. When the time comes, when are finally at home with Him and God, in their presence, we will be just like Him, perfect in every way, and we will no longer need to keep the law in a religious way, because the law will be written in our hearts, and we will never transgress again!
I love it when people read the bible and understand it. You certainly do.