The Christian journey

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

The Christian journey is one very interesting journey and just like our normal earthly journey it requires serious preparation, planning and budgeting etc.
Just like every other journey,where a traveler is required to book and pay for his transport fare before embarking on the journey be it by land, air or water so also is a christian required to prepare before starting off on this journey.
You can't just jump into the next available cab and embark on this journey otherwise, you'll be left stranded in the course of the journey.
Every earthly traveller travels with a purpose in mind , the same goes for anybody that has decided to embark on this Christian journey.
The purpose of this journey is to MEET and WIN Jesus because it is not everybody that meets Jesus that wins Jesus.
People have met Jesus and lost him,every human on earth will one day meet Jesus either alive or after death on the Judgement day but only true Christians will win him.
Therefore in this journey ,Jesus is the destination and the prize.

The purpose of this journey is to MEET and WIN Jesus because it is not everybody that meets Jesus that wins Jesus.
People have met Jesus and lost him,every human on earth will one day meet Jesus either alive or after death on the Judgement day but only true Christians will win him.
Therefore in this journey ,Jesus is the destination and the prize.
For every journey there is a destination and for every destination there is a route to follow. So also is the Christian journey, to meet Christ there is a route to follow,there is path to tread, there is a way to Go.
Now the question is "how do we find the way to this destination?"
The way is not far from us, the way is always with us. According to (John 14:6)
Jesus said I am the WAY, the truth and the life no one cometh to the Father except through me" and according to (John 10:30) He said I and the Father are ONE therefore in meeting him you've met the father. Therefore we can conclude that Jesus is the way to meeting him.
Now this is one interesting thing about the Christian journey. Jesus is the Way, the Destination and the Prize.
The Christian journey is not a very smooth one, we'll meet obstacles along the way, times will come when we will run out of steam and get so tired, times will come when we will think of giving up and turning back, men will scorn us, we will face tribulations and trials.
But in all this we are more than conquerors through him who died for us. In times of our weakness he will strengthen us, when we feel discouraged and down casted, He will encourage us. He will always be there working in us to lead us to him. No wonder he said "Lo I am with you always".(Matt.28:20)

Finally, for us to go through this journey and win Christ at last then there is only one requirement and that is TOTAL DEPENDENCE ON HIM and this cannot be achieved without brokenness and brokenness involves letting go of self for the sake of Christ.
Until the "I" in you is bent to a "C" , only then can Christ replace Self.


Christ knows the way through the wilderness, all His children have to do is obediently follow. Thanks for this post @medinho.