in #christian-trail7 years ago

The rate at which social degeneration has turned things around from what is used to be at the time of our forefathers kidnapped, raped,robbed,terrorized,brutalised, deceived and disgraced. Surprisingly, these acts of terrorism are not limited to a particular age.children, especially teenagers are known to lead acts of terrorism in schools and motor packs.no wonder the height of juvenile delinquency!
They pick pocket at bus stops cause riot In schools and join secret cults.Examination malpractice, formication and mad rush for wealth are rampant among youths.Adults are worse off.They lead secret cult,kill and maim people because they do not want to wait for God's time.They do not want to work.They turned to armed robbers.Across the segment of society, corruption and bribery have become the order of the day.There is crookedness and astonishing depth of unfaithfulness even in churches!Much as this ugliness is intensified, one question keeps agitating my mind:"when the son of man comes,will He find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8).
My brethren God's time will surely come;do not be in hurry.Depend solely on him,and then you will receive the reward.